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Welcome to the Monday Night War!

Luke is joined this week by TEMPEST, who is filling in for an unwell Pete. And boy didn't he do well! There's also talk of MORE TECHNICAL ISSUES.




Gentleman, when you are choosing which superstars to put into a match, on their picture, it will say who they're in a rivalry with, so you'll always know when putting a match together, who they're in a rivalry with and at what level. I can't really explain it without pictures, I may take to twitter, hope this helps in some way and I'm sorry I can't express it in a more understanding way!

Nick Smith

We need an NXT vs NXT UK spin-off with Tempest vs Sat or Sullivan.


When (hopefully) future seasons happen, might I suggest having guestbookers as the punishment for going over. These guestbookers get unlimited time, but no help from the offending GM. This would be a half-way point between people wanting other GMs and you two wanting to have it as your show. Now I know this will likely not be possible as it is a scheduling nightmare. And I also want to make sure to let you guys know I love you both in this series, so please do not see this as me wanting to see someone removed due to not liking them.