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Also Hogan vs. Michaels and the custody of a child in a ladder match.



Brinkelai (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 20:19:16 I keep coming back to this pod for Luke's Undertaker noises. When he describes him in pain during the Orton match. Legit been laughing at this for 6 months and it still gets me.
2023-05-28 20:19:16 I keep coming back to this pod for Luke's Undertaker noises. When he describes him in pain during the Orton match. Legit been laughing at this for 6 months and it still gets me.
2023-03-19 20:34:56 I keep coming back to this pod for Luke's Undertaker noises. When he describes him in pain during the Orton match. Legit been laughing at this for 6 months and it still gets me.

I keep coming back to this pod for Luke's Undertaker noises. When he describes him in pain during the Orton match. Legit been laughing at this for 6 months and it still gets me.


You dumbos you have done wm 21 lmao


A few days after this show aired, I became a wrestling fan


Luke always louder than Oli for anyone else? I constantly have to turn it up and down depending who is talking.

Graeme Scrivener

The photo was after tlc 2011 and wm 21 u have done

Adam Gallick

Is Hogan looking over his sunglasses, but under his bandana? Is he playing peekaboo or something?


Night of Champions 2015 would be a great shout for next month's show. You've got Seth Rollins vs both Cena for the U.S Title & Sting for the WWE Title and the obvious talking point around that. The Dudley's vs New Day, The Wyatt's vs Roman, Dean & Jericho & Charlotte dethroning Nikki Bella as well as the infamous Rusev & Summer Rae vs Dolph & Lana storyline and even Cody as Stardust on the kick-off show.


I’m not sure what Americans you guys talk too, the majority of us are certainly not optimistic. Spend a day in a grocery store here and you’ll be shocked at how inconsiderate and miserable most people are lol I’m a stock manager. Imo, Hispanics are the nicest, then African Americans, then euros, then white yanks. The whites have fallen off recently. Probably bitter about being called racist all the time. Very angry ever since covid And hey I know you don’t wanna hear this about your daddy but hogan is right about meltzer. Dude knows fucking NOTHING about wrestling. I can look up all the scores of every football game ever. Doesn’t mean I know what I’m talking about when strategizing. He knows NOTHING of what it takes to be a wrestler or what a good wrestler or good wrestling match entails. His taste and opinions does not and should not speak for all wrestling fans. I for one find him to be an insufferable douchebag who I really wish would die already so people would form their own opinions. Another note: for what it’s worth, the ACTUAL special needs community seems to have loved Eugene. The internet can pretend to be offended on their behalf all they want but those people actually loved Eugene bc he was a realistic representation of them. Which doesn’t happen often on tv even today. Another note: you’re not checking any bias you simply hate republicans. You act as if in the exact same clip they didn’t talk about having hill dogs campaign, who was at the time the face of the democrats. Your blatant liberalism is apparent in every episode. This isn’t new for you.

Stew Sizer

Ok..... Ishii can work and put people over. Has actual matches and is critically acclaimed. He isn't just 3 moves, fuck would you say Suzuki is just 3 moves?!


fucking hell wishing death upon a wrestling journalist, please touch some grass


😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡 “journalist” that’s cute sis. Don’t call him that. He’s not. He’s a tabloid writer. And your opinion matters to me even less than his does. If he’d just DO the world the solid of killing himself, I wouldn’t HAVE to wish death upon him. He’s a piece of human trash. I’m the good guy here. I’m wishing death on hitler. Mussolini. Ghadafi. If you’re on his side then you’re and entitled no nothing clown who likes when people destroy things other people love to line their own pockets. If you’re on his side then you’re on the side of a scumbag tabloid reporter who lies through his teeth to line his own pockets. I’m the good guys here. Not scumbag


Did you just compare Meltzer to Freaking Hitler?!? XD XD XD


Nah you’re right. That’s disrespectful to Adolf hitler. At least he did some good for the world and killed himself. That’s 1 more redeeming quality than dick smeller (oh sorry auto correct, meant Dave meltzer) can say.


I’m not. Not sure what gave you that impression but I’m not nice at all and I’m incredibly perceptive and skeptical when it comes to utter bullshit. Which is all dick smeller pedals. He’s single handedly ruined the industry. You people need to spit on his name the way some of the rest of us do otherwise wrestling will always be a laughing stock. The dudes a fucking joke. That’s not my opinion. It’s a verifiable fact. Read anything he’s ever written that wasnt just word for word history and you’ll see it too. The dudes a fuckin asshole. Period.

Delicious Felixious

This guy definately has an autographed photograph of Dave Meltzer that he kisses every night be for bed.


I wish, unfortunately your mother doesn’t let me keep photos on the bedside table. 🤡🤡🤡🤡