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Hi there Pledge Hammers!

Yes, this is being recorded a bit early as I'm off for the week! The episode will be released next Weds.

Luke x


Fin Brennan

What’s your favorite Brooklyn Nine Nine episode and were you as disappointed as I was with the final season?


Hey lads! Are there any wrestling angles or characters that you thought were stupid at the time but have grown on you over time?

Marcus A Campbell

have you seen Sonic for Hire and what do you think of it.


If you weren't doing wrestling journalism what would you be doing?


How do you feel about the marvel phase 4,5 and 6 slate is there anything you’d rather not have on there ?

Jacob Smith

Hi Dan and Luke! Now we have a better view of the MCU's "Multiverse Saga", which project are you most excited for, and what would you like to see announced for Phase Six (other than F4 and Avengers of course)?

Callum Lucas

Hey Team DANuke, I hope you're both having a great day! With Vince now retired, what are the 3 main things you would want HHH/Steph/N Khan to change with the company/product?

Sam Sweeney

Luke I was wondering if you've played Sonic Generations. In my opinion it is the best 3D Sonic game and show's that Sonic can work in 3D.


Hello there gents, Luke how's the whiskey endeavor going? Dan, as a fellow Dan, how many other Dans have you known? Me I think it's about 30, although most are Daniels I've only know 1 Dan. And for both, do you feel like Disney/Marvel are "over pushing" the amount of content? I've been a bit apathetic about it, since there's just no real breaks between the movies and Disney+ shows.


With Vince gone, how will Cody Rhodes fare? Will trips change the nxt hiring method back to what it was again? (Indy darlings) Also with Nick khan still being there and his regular budget cuts will trips still be as much of a good thing we hope he will be?

Alex kirkman

No that triple h is In charge will we see an AEW v WWE forbidden door? If so what matches would you like? Mine would be:- CM Punk v AJ Styles Kenny omega v Seth Rollins Wardlow v Roman Reigns Ricochet v Sami Guevara in a ladder match Brock Lesnar v Darby Allin USOs v Young Bucks

The Mythical Jason the Cabbie

Luke, as we are both men of a certain vintage with a soft spot for all the old Nu Metal, other than Deftones, who would you consider to be the most underrated bands of the genre? Me, I've always had a great love for both Snot and Spineshank, both of whom are constants on my playlists to this day.