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Get your questions in for Luke and Dan Layton!


Alex kirkman

Am I the only one who thought Blood & Guts was shit??? Like really really shit??? It was terribly shot, was a complete mess to watch, had shocking spots (including Jake’s awful table spot) and had a god awful ending which did not need to happen on top of the cage, completely taking away from the action that may or may not have been happening AEW are better than WWE in most things but blood & guts/war games is not 1 They need to take tips from WWE/NXT because their war games matches have been sensational

Fin Brennan

What’s your go to comfort movie?

Callum Lucas

Hey Luke and Dan, hope you’re both having a great day! I really believe AEW has one of the best rosters of all time right now. I wondered what would be 5 dream matches from the current roster (including injured stars like Punk and Omega) that you would love to see? Also, do you really think Lesnar/Reigns at SS will actually be the last match they have? Thanks both!!


This one's for Luke, when I'm a northerner looking for a Londoners local knowledge. When AEW finally come to Craven Cottage in Fulham where's the best area to stay close by and do you have any drinking spot recommendations for that area? Keep up the great work fellow D A D

The Zornisse

From someone who had no idea who Dan Layton is: Who is Dan Layton in his own words? And Luke, why are you excited to have him on the show? (I hope this is okay. I did google - and I am now very excited to see Dan and all the new input. But not being from the UK and being slightly on the older, not so social-media-using side, I am curious :) )


With all that is going on with the senior McMahon this question is from a bizarre place, if he could would you think Tony Kahn would buy WWE? If this happened would it be good for the industry?

Mark Jones

Hey Team DANuke, with Money in the Bank having happened now and us seeing yet another year where the winner of the Women's MITB briefcase cashing it in and winning the title within 24 hours of winning it (nobody since Carmella has held the briefcase longer than 24 hours). Do you think this booking is symptomatic of the companies view of the women's division, the lack of ability to book two briefcases well, a combo of the two or something else entirely. I'd love to know what you think?

Bailey Donovan

Hey lad, turning 8 next week and was wondering if either of you just have any horror stories from your big birthday celebrations?

Jacob Smith

Hi Luke and Dan! Following TMNTGate this week, I would like to know if Dan would be willing to play Shredder's Revenge with Luke? If not, who's Nintendo Switch is it you use to play games in the office so that we can escalate the issue to them. If it can't be resolved, no more Fall Guys and everyone should just play Switch Sports Bowling and nothing else.

That Welsh Guy

hope I'm not to late. as a new watcher thanks to my flat mate, Dan what is your opinion on this season of Love island?

James Knepper

Hey Lads, Happy Friday! I’m starting to notice many viewers of AEW have been showing they’re upset or discouraged lately with some continuity issues in terms of long term storytelling. For example Malakai Black spraying Miro with the black mist and yet there’re matches being booked with the house vs the Dark Order instead of jumping into the story that started at Forbidden Door with Miro. In an interview Malakai did with Denise he stated how it’s a long told story with pieces laid out along the way. I love this version of storytelling in wrestling, to me (in AEW especially) all wrestling history is their history and within the continuity of their new stories told if they so choose to bring past facts and results up. Hey sometimes things happen like injuries that must change storylines, but even then you can go back to the continuity later on and make it all as sensible as possible. So, Are viewers these days just too impatient to let things breathe? I would rather a storyline be told over time with an eventual big pay off then watch a program religiously only for things to not make sense and my invested time to be for nothing.. I feel like the idea of “this is a new alternative” has got away from some of the fan base, and their feedback is damaging the product. Thanks for your time and have a wonderful weekend!

Justin Campbell

Hi Everybody! As the brand split seems to be ebbing WWE has started to combining titles as they have done with the top titles and the tag team titles and possibly the Women's titles but that remains to be seen. However I do not think they should combine the Intercontinental and United States titles and they should remain brand exclusive. My reasoning is that when the top champion is working a program on one show the secondary champion can take work in the main event feud on the opposite show. Basically the same idea behind when they used to do two house show loops with Hogan headlining one as the WWE Champion and Macho Man headlining the other as the intercontinental Champion. What do you guys think should the United States and Intercontinental titles remain separated or should they be combined too? Also I think there could be a good movie in Attack of the Clones but you just have to cut out all of the Anakin and Padme scenes on Naboo and just focus on Obi-Wan discovering the clone army. Obi-Wan says good bye to them at the space port and we don't see them again until they are in the arena about to eaten by those beasts. Plus you cut out Anakin talking about how he hates sand. Okay maybe good is a strong word because you would still have all of the C3PO scenes but I at least think it would bump it up from awful to fair. Anyway guys I love all of the content you guys have been putting out I think the Randy games was totally pants but in the best way possible and I just hope you have some fun with my questions.