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It's the one where Raven wins the title. So Oli loves it.

Luke does too.




Why do you guys still believe the lie that Vince is “under investigation”? It’s simply not true. This isn’t the 1700’s, adultery isn’t illegal. Immoral sure. But what 2 consenting adults do together is none of anyone else’s business. “Rita chatterton” is the same woman who alleged he raped her back in the early 90’s. All that’s been alleged recently is that he had an affair with an employee. Which again. Not illegal. No investigation. Investigation for what? Being a creepy old man? Also not illegal. Stop believing meltzer. He’s a joke.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

And Tony Khan never actually said that bots were creating anti-AEW sentiment online, only amplifying it. But you know what's funnier for a comedy podcast?

Robert Rose

This was weeks ago but it still needs to be said that Gowen was the one legged wrestler they wanted and Johnny hired a DIFFERENT wrestler first.

Hannah Alan

I'm now addicted to these, thanks 😜 Lots of love guys ❤️


If they’d only pedaled this lie on the pod it’d be one thing. But they honestly believe wwe is different now bc of some inane allegation. IF wwe has changed at all (which despite all the chatter online I don’t believe simply bc this company has done this time and time again to try and convince us they’ve turned over a new leaf where they actually know what the fuck they’re doing) it’s bc vince has chosen to step down. Not bc of some irrelevant allegations that he (quite obviously) cheated on Linda