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LUKE: Morning!

Myself and Dan Layton will be recording the Team DANuke Mailbag show this morning, so please get your questions in below!



Marcus A Campbell

If you could live in any other country which one will it be and why?


Morning gents. My question simply is how are you both?


In your own personal opinion what is the best sitcom of all the times? For me personally it's Seinfeld, and nothing even comes close. But that's just me.


Hey guys! What are your general first impressions of Sonic Frontiers?


Hi Luke ad Dan, hope u are both well, 2 questions, What do you think will b a surprise film hit this year? If u could live or have a 2nd house anywhere in the world where would it be?

Connor Going

Best film trilogy - controversial opinions welcomed!

Misha Sumra

Can we have Dan in S3 of CBW?

Tina Keys

Any aspirations of the WrestleTalk crew traveling out to the US for shows on occasion?

Mark Jones

With it being MITB season ... who do you think had the best customised briefcase back when they did that? I was always partial to RVD's tbh, but which was your favourite?

Chuck Turner

Hello what was the last movie if any that made you cry? Mines are the end of COCO, Soul, and the new TOP GUN movie. Thank you and JAM THAT JAM.

Luke Gulliver

What’s the best Partridge series? And why is it This time with Alan Partridge