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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

To celebrate the finale of the Monday Night War series (going live today at 5pm UK time) - we thought we'd share this little video!

So way back in the before times (the before times meaning shortly before the Monday Night War series started), Luke and I were testing out different ways to record this series. Testing different cameras, recording software, different angled shots, just trying to see what would make the best quality show we could make it while still making it feasible to set up and use whenever we needed to record.

Of course the Monday Night War series launched at the same time the game did, so when we were recording this test footage, we didn't have WWE 2K22 yet. So instead me and Luke played Speedrunners and just sent the footage off to our lovely editor Vinny who was instructed to just make something fun out of it. This is what he came up with.

(This was originally two videos but we've put them into one because that makes more sense, hence the black screen in the middle of this video)

We hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes video, and for fans of the series, later today there will also be the special podcast episode that will be wrapping up the Monday Night War series, answering your questions, Luke and I sharing funny stories from the series and stuff like that - so keep your eyes peeled for that too!



Monday Night War Test Footage



Its not working for me, it says it’s not available

Misha Sumra

MNW has been Premium C the entire season. More of this, and more like this, please!

Jonathan Lane

Without prince pretty and Xavier woods doing their battle of the brands, this mini series filled the gap, which is something I looked forward to every Monday. The lads book Monday raw and smackdown better than the WWE writers 😂