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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

As you've no doubt seen over the past few months, we've had a myriad of issues with WrestleLeague linked with the website redesign, and when we fix one issue, another arises, so first of all I'd just like to thank you all for your bountiful patience with these ongoing problems.

We may be making drastic decisions in the near future including potentially redesigning WrestleLeague from the ground up for reasons I won't get into here. But the short version is that it's currently not feasible to keep fixing these issues as we have to bother a developer who no longer works on this project, which isn't fair on him, us, or any of you.

So, IF - and it still is an if - we redesign WrestleLeague from scratch, are there any features or things that WrestleLeague doesn't have that you would like to see included? Things that would make predicting easier, or viewing leaderboards more easily or anything you think you should be added at all. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment below!

There are a few I've already got listed, but I want to know what you think as the people who use it! There are some that won't be implemented regardless, like the option to choose a DQ finish instead of a winner, or a no-contest, as it leads to a slippery slope of then being able to choose countouts, submissions, pass out, TKO and every other match type finish available, and sometimes what the official result is is different than what the rules of a match say and it all gets too complicated. So we'll be sticking with just picking the winner of a match and if there's no winner at all then that match scores 0 points for everyone.

But if there's any other changes you'd like to see, let us know by leaving a comment! Obviously having predictions actually counted is a clear one, but that's what's necessitating this potential rebuild. Bear in mind this rebuild isn't guaranteed or anything, we're just looking into options right now. I look forward to hearing your feedback!


Oliver Flood

Can we get a joker option like you guys have?

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I miss the bonus "fun" questions, though I understand there isn't always a self-evident one for each event.

Daniel Bramlett

I would love to be able to search my name and see where I’m ranked, also a tab that shows selections you locked in

Aaron Wax

Having it show me my actual picks for the PLE or PPV after I pick them, being able to see previous picks with results like a green for correct and red for wrong, and being able to search for my name on the leader board. Those would be the features I would love to see.

Aaron Wax

Oh and how about all my points being added correctly after each event. I couldn't tell you how many times, like double or nothing last week, where none of my points get added in to my total. It makes this very frustrating.

PoliKing Lando

Since it seems everyone has the same issue I'm having with points not being tallied up (I should have 23 instead of 9, just saying) might I suggest maybe giving the patron members access to the card predictions a few days, if not a week in advance to the Predictions Stream going live if the issue is we don't get them in on time for the tech to confirm our submissions. I know companies like to add matches last minute, but we can get informed on the changes like we always do here on Patreon and at least most of our predictions would be in on time... hopefully.

Justin McLuckie

I would like there to be a later cutoff to submit picks. Like by the start of the main show. Since pre-shows don't really have matches any more. That's my only 2 cents.

Matthew Moses

Other than the main thing of just having point totals actually added after a show, I agree with a few other commenters: being able to see our selections and what we got right/point totals of each event after each event, being able to see our own point totals separately so we don't have to search for our name, and either something like a joker option as well would be cool, or adding other questions instead of just match outcomes. I regularly participate in Wrestle Rumble for almost every show they do, and I enjoy questions like match length, how many tables will be broken, who wins/suffers pinfall in tag matches, etc. It makes it more fun instead of just selecting the winner of each match. And will make point totals more varied, especially near the top, instead of having like the top 20+ people within 2 points of each other at the end of the season.

Wyatt Yappel

Might as well throw in matches ending by DQ option the way WWE shows go lol

Stew Sizer

Just having the points added without issue would be cool, also the previous version showed you what your picks were and how many points you got for each ppv prediction. That would be great to have back, I know I should have 21 points after HIAC, got 5 on that and another 5 on DON. But still says i have 11 right now