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LUKE: Hello! I'm with Dan Layton for some Team DANuke Mailbag questions! Hit us up!


Thomas Staples

Hey guys. Please can you rank in order the idea of these guys dethroning Roman Reigns: Jey Uso, MJF (in 2024), Cody, Xavier Woods, Ciampa, Preist, WALTER Cheers 😁

Adam Gallick

Luke you mentioned liking Derry girls... I'm curious how that show hits for someone not from Derry?


Hi guys. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a would chuck could chuck wood?


Can we get a spoiler filled spiderman and Dr strange review?

Chad Knows Moore

How do you feel about the decades female wrestlers have put in to evolve past being objectified in bra & panty matches, only to now objectify themselves on OnlyFans? Is it ok because it's their choice, or is it still negatively impacting the image of female wrestlers?

Misha Sumra

Dan - What video game do you think you could beat Luke at?


Do you like to cook? What’s a dish you prepare that people have actually congratulated you for?


With all the buzz surrounding Sasha Banks “going to Hollywood” after this most recent spat with WWE, what do you feel are her realistic prospects in film? Are her skills sufficient to get work beyond personality-based casting?

Chad Knows Moore

I almost asked the same question! There's all this talk about how she could just walk into Disney and have a career. I don't see it. Not with Roman either. Straight to streaming corny action movies for him. I guess it's better than taking bumps, but neither of them have Rock-level potential... barely even Hulk Hogan movie potential.


In your opinions who would be a good tag team for the Usos to drop the undisputed Tag tittles too?

Callum Lucas

I thought I'd ask another question since not as many questions have been asked. I live in the Welsh valleys and actually got tickets to Clash At The Castle for September. If you could book 3 matches for that show what would they be? I seen a great suggestion on your features page predictions of Bate vs. Rollins!


I might be late and I'm fairly sure you're not in favour of this but I would love to see JAS bring in random made up titles, lose them and just bring in another. Then also have the people that win those not care about Jericho's made up belts. I kinda think this could work as a comment on how WWE treat their belts

Stephen Reilly

Who beats Roman first, Seth, Cody or Drew? Also do you see either of them going for a mid card title in the near future? Oh and any chance of a CBW Blood On The Clocktower Special? Keep up the good work guys. Jam That Jam!


LUKE: We didn't get a chance to fully answer this on the podcast, and I feel my joke response was a bit flippant so I'd like to apologise for that. But there is a massive difference between someone being told to do a bra and panties match to appease a group of randy men, and a woman making a choice to make money from her sexuality. A huge difference.

Chad Knows Moore

Thank you for the personal response, Luke! I absolutely see the difference in how they approach it, but the end result is the same: they're being objectified and sexualized for money. Who happens to make that choice for them might not affect how they're perceived though. Would I want my 9 yr old daughter to be a fan of say Jordanne Grayce after seeing the pictures she posts? No, and neither does my wife who has a degree in Womens Studies. They are "professional" wrestlers. Why don't any male wrestlers have OnlyFans pages? Or do some?? My wife wants to know where she can see Roman Reigns wearing nothing but a birthday cake. The difference is that, before they were victims... now they're profiting off their own objectification. They used to have "pimps," but now they're like independent sex workers. I don't see how that really changes the perception of what being a "female wrestler" entails in the eyes of fans. "The men just get to fight and do movies... but the girls fight and have to do porn-lite." There's an inequality there.