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It's the first PPV of the WWE-era, it's one of the final PPVs of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, it's the PPV which made Luke stop watching wrestling.




First :)

Sean Dunne

Second 🙄🥈

Sean Dunne

Silver Bro 🤍

Chris Smith

For those keeping score we've now had both Oli and Luke's favorite PPVs (SummerSlam 2000 and Backlash 2000) and the PPVs that made each of them quit (This and SummerSlam 2010). We've also had MITB 2011 which made Oli come back. So we just need New Years Revolution 2005 for Luke.


I’m slightly younger than you guys and I started watching in 2002 and had the same journey as you, not just an AE thing. I dropped off early secondary school years and got back into wrestling in my second year of uni. Same cycle as you but from the era afterwards.

Zakari Jenkins

Just got back from a hike guys and looking for a podcast for the ride back. And this pops up let’s go

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

With the sway Hogan has and how he usually gets his way, I'm honestly surprised Undertaker didn't recruit the "Ministry of Doom" (or the "Dungeon of Darkness," if you prefer) in his quest to "destroy Hulkamania." Why yes, it WOULD consist of Ed Leslie, Brian Knob, and hell, PROBABLY Paul Wight.

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

Austin vs Flair and Big Show should have just been a singles match between Austin and Fair. They could have had Show accompany Flair and or interfere when the ref would get knocked down. Hell, would have been better if it was Austin and Bradshaw vs Flair and Show or keep Faarooq on Raw and do Austin and the APA vs Flair, Show and X-Pac. “Night of Champions Triple H vs John Cena that sounds pretty boring.” Ok Bret Hart mark.


The guy who interviewed Booker was Marc Jacobs (or a name close to that). He used to host The Bottom Line raw recap show after Smackdown on a Saturday morning on Sky One before it was taken over by Todd Grisham

Callum Lucas

I'm sure it was Marc Lloyd. The only reason I know this is because he interviewed The Rock backstage once and Rock destroyed him verbally haha!

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I can just picture The Rock staring in disgust at him before saying something like, "WHO in the BLUE HELL are you?? Can The Rock get Michael Cole or Kevin Kelly over here to do this job properly??"

JJ Gyllenhaal

Just over a year of winning the Monday Night Wars, Vince business isn’t doing well, I’ve got an idea Hulk Hogan Vs The Undertaker, a match from 1991. If a TNA Slammiversary 2005 or 2009 is voted or wins, it’s on Impact’s YouTube channel. I know this cause I’ve been watching a lot of Slammiversary ahead of 20 years of TNA Impact Wrestling


I’m so confused. So wait you’re alleging that Toni storm was given the choice to either be stripped or lose her job? Yet she chose to NOT be stripped and cited that as a reason she WALKED OUT of her job…? So basically she just used this as her excuse. Bc neither of these makes sense taken on it’s own… like she’s clearly just making it up Bc she didn’t do the angle NOR was she fired. So either her worries were unwarranted and she’s bringing them up now just bc or… what… what’s the other option…