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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

So now would be the time I would be telling you all to head to league.wrestletalk.com and submit your predictions for WrestleMania Backlash. But unfortunately there's some issues.

The form to submit your predictions is showing up for some people, and not for others. We think the form currently should be accessible via mobile, but not on a desktop computer, but for some it still works on a desktop computer as well.

You can most certainly give it a go if you want to try, but I'm hoping to provide with you a proper post later this week once the issues have been worked on and hopefully fixed. Here's the link if you want to try: https://league.wrestletalk.com

I'm so sorry for this inconvenience, and believe me, it's been quite the struggle to try and get this sorted with the people who are doing the coding for the site. But fingers crossed I'll have another post with you today, tomorrow or Friday where everything will be sorted, and we can look at the standings and all the fun stuff we do in WrestleLeague.

Love you all, thank you for your patience.


Kevin Fleuriot

Thanks for your work Pete ! Also, well done Andy.

Andy Burgess

Omg why does patreon have so many ads now?


Thanks Pete! I was able to submit mine using mobile on iPhone with Safari, no incognito mode or anything!

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Worked for me using a laptop with Firefox, for what that's worth. No "private/incognito" needed.

Callum Lucas

I’m submitting my picks and says submitted successfully but then shows incorrect picks after. I’m assuming my picks are fine if it says they’ve submitted?

Andy Burgess

They're on the screen when you make your picks, they obstruct your view and keep popping back up. I guess that part isn't technically on patreon but yeah....annoying when you're trying to make your selections


PETE: Ah, you mean on the WrestleLeague form? Yes, that's an issue that's been raised and we're working on fixing. I don't want you guys to see any ads when you've already paid us money! The entire site redesign has thrown a myriad problems our way but we're working our way through them, and this is one of them.