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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

[Done for a second time as one option was not available in the poll in the first post]

It's time to get your votes in for what you want Oli & Luke to review for the April 2022 episode of WrestleTalk Extra! All these suggestions came from our lovely $25+ Pledgehammers, and we have a lovely bunch of people here on Patreon, so be those lovely people! Every suggestion is valid. Happy voting!

Previous April episodes have been: WWF Backlash 2000, WWE WrestleMania 21, WWE WrestleMania XXX & WWF WrestleMania X-Seven!

WWF WrestleMania V [1989] (suggested by Chuck Turner) The Mega Powers Explode. Words that are etched into wrestling history. While WrestleMania 38 had 14 matches across two nights, WrestleMania 5 had 14 matches in one night! Culminating with the huge main event of Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage. Also on the card was Rick Rude vs Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Title, Jake Roberts vs Andre The Giant, Mr. Perfect vs The Blue Blazer and more.

WWF WrestleMania IX [1993] (suggested by Marcus Campbell) A few years later, and WWF put on one of the least liked WrestleManias of all time, mainly due to the main event match of Bret Hart vs Yokozuna being won by Yoko, who then immediately lost the belt to a returning Hulk Hogan in 20 seconds. What a show. Also JR in a toga. Also on the show was Razor Ramon vs Bob Backlund, Money Inc vs The Mega-Maniacs, The Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez where The Undertaker's undefeated WrestleMania streak continued via DQ, and more.

ECW Barely Legal 1997 (suggested by Chris Petrou) The main event of this show saw Terry Funk face Raven for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship immediately after winning a number one contendership match against The Sandman and Stevie Richards in a Three-Way Dance. Also on the card, RVD vs Lance Storm, Shane Douglas vs Pitbull #2 for the TV title, Taz vs Sabu and more.

WWF In Your House 14: Revenge of the Taker 1997 (suggested by OhhhKingSlayer) The namesake of this show defended his WWF Championship against Mankind in the semi-main event, while The Deadman's new number one contender was crowned in the main event as Stone Cold Steve Austin took on Bret Hart. Also on the show was Legion of Doom vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog, Savio Vega vs Rocky Maivia, and Jesse James vs Rockabilly.

WCW Spring Stampede 1999 (suggested by Rob James) In the main event of this show, Ric Flair defended his WCW World Heavyweight Title against DDP, Hollywood Hogan and Sting with Randy Savage as special guest referee. Elsewhere on the card, Goldberg faced Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner faced Booker T for the vacant United States title, Rey Misterio Jr. faced Billy Kidman for the Cruiserweight Title, and more.

WCW Spring Stampede 2000 (suggested by Austin Shrock) You like tournaments? This card is full of it - with United States quarterfinals, semifinals and finals all on this show, as well as Tag Title semifinals and final matches, and the main event of Jeff Jarrett vs DDP for the World Heavyweight Title. The final of the United States title tournament was Scott Steiner vs Sting, and the tag belts were up for grabs in the final match between Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell vs Ric Flair & The Total Package.

ROH Supercard of Honor X [2016] (suggested by Lottie McCullough) You thought WrestleMania 38 was long? Across two nights, Supercard of Honor X has 18 matches. Night 1 was main evented by Young Bucks vs Motor City Machine Guns, as well as Jay Lethal vs Lio Rush for the World Title in the semi-main, and on Night 2, the main event was Kyle O'Reilly vs Adam Cole, with The Briscoes vs The Addiction vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Young Bucks in the semi main for the number one contendership for the tag belts. There's of course a bunch more matches that took place, but I don't have time to list them all. Dalton Castle, War Machine, Colt Cabana, Bobby Fish, Roderick Strong, Donovan Dijak, and more.

NXT TakeOver: Dallas [2016] (suggested by Garrett Albright) One of my personal favourite shows of all time, this show saw the debut of Shinsuke Nakamura in WWE against Sami Zayn. Also on the show was the opener of American Alpha vs The Revival for the Tag Belts, the main event was Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe for the NXT Championship, and Bayley defended her Women's Championship against the undefeated Asuka. Also there was Baron Corbin vs Austin Aries.

WPW Presents Road To Uranus [2022] (suggested by Joshua Weaver) This is a show on YouTube from a local indie promotion. Good luck getting this voted for Joshua. I can't tell you what's on this show, because I don't know, but scrubbing through the YouTube video it looks like mostly comedy silliness in space. WPW stands for Wrestling Pro Wrestling, if that gives you any indication. Sure.


Martin Putt

So disappointing how Takeover's always win when suggested. I'd prefer an older show to win at least once or twice.

Andrew Baylis

Doesn't feel right to have options from 2015 onwards on WT Extra. Takeover Dallas is a great show but I'd much rather hear the guys talk about older shows on these. How about a 10 years or older rule on nominations?


I agree with the 10 years or older rule for wrestletalk extra suggestions


As someone who nominated a show from this year, I will say that it’s a promotion that most are unfamiliar with which is why I nominated it to get them more exposure because the talent there is actually good even if it is 90% comedy wrestling 😅 but I also understand where you’re coming from

Jonathan V Hedman

Sigh nothing like wasting a vote on a ROH show. 😢


Oof pretty bad selection

Chris Smith

Interesting stats here. They've been doing these reviews for nearly 5 years, and have done at least one show from every year from 1997 to 2018 - except for 2012 and 2013. The Pledgehammers seem to know what they like and dislike.

Chuck Turner

Can we get a show from the 90’s to win once and not a six year old show.

Graeme Scrivener

I'm sorry but just seen wpw wacky show vs nxt Dallas hmmm

Adam Gallick

Would much prefer if Oli and Luke took control of this or had some sort of veto... nothing from the last 10 years as Oli said once. I think these shows are better when I'm learning about a show ive never seen... ill not rewatch nxt for this but give me a reason to watch something from 20 years ago I've never seen before? Sign me up

(insert here) to AEW confirmed!

Is it possible to change the format for this? Seems to be very WWE heavy rarely get anything else lol