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What do you find you wish you saw more of in wrestling today?

David Witten

Luke and Denise, what is the best Limp Bizkit song?


Is this year’s Wrestlemania worth me reactivating my network subscription. In your honest opinion. I haven’t watched any PPV (I’ll never call it a premium live event) since Wrestlemania 35, but I’ve followed along using wrestletalk podcasts news etc

Jonathan V Hedman

Hello was nice to meet Denise at Revolution, was wondering if you could book any dream match for ROH what would it be. Me I was Joe vs Punk or Punk vs Danielson I can’t think of anything I would rather see.

Eucepia Percentie

Did the kahn coin run out? Does Tony only have enough to pay luke now after buying ROH? Is that why oli has been crapping on AEW so much lately?


Whenever Bayley ends up returning, which version of her would you want to see her return as? 1. Karen Bayley 2. Hugger Bayley 3. Bayley Sting. ;)

Darren Lloyd

What PPV that most people hate do you enjoy as your guilty pleasure

Drew Ashford

What are your thoughts currently on Impact Wrestling and Honor No More


With Luke's insane "burying" of Avatar a while back it got me thinking is there a very popular show/movie that the whole world has seen but you just haven't for one reason or another.

Sean Downes

Hey Team Denuke I was wondering if both of you have anything else in common that isn't just wrestling? Jam that Jam!!