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This isn't a fun one.



Nacht Bogen

Unfortunately it did not take long for jeff to screw up again in aew. Making that shoot interview and matts comments on jeff being fine hard to believe


Skipped ahead to the final bits to see what the thoughts are on what next's month show could be since a Mania didn't win this one. Personally I'm with you Luke I do not want that mania to win. Terrible time to be a young fan getting into wrestling, and seeing two terrible shows back to back for WWE, and TNA. The ROH show sounds fun if not a bit meh in the grand scheme of things. O PPV I'd just like to bring up as a possible one for someone to possibly nominate is Extreme Rules 2012. I recently went back, and saw the show it's pretty decent. Brock's first match back since coming back against Cena, Punk vs Jericho in a Chicago Street Fight in Chicago, Bryan vs Sheamus 2 out of 3 falls following that mania loss, Randy vs Kane in a falls count anywhere match feat Zack Ryder in a minor role, Cody beating Big Show in a pretty unique way, and finally it's 10 years on since the event so a nice little treat there. All I'm saying is it's nice to break away from it's always being a Mania in March, and April. But those are just my two cents. Now time to actually listen to the show at 2 in the morning in the states.

jonathan Melhuish

5 mins in are they repeatedly use tempests real name 😂

Phillip Dumas

Hey a surprise birthday present

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Dunno if fellow-patrons expected them to have a laugh at Jeff, but this is why you vote for late-stage WCW for fun-bad reviews. Everyone's messed up, but hilariously.

Chris Smith

Bryan Alvarez is the MVP of this review.

JJ Gyllenhaal

So I was 15 at the time of this PPV. I wasn’t reading the dirt sheets, I wasn’t on the internet in group chats, I was just a fan watching the product on TV. When Jeff came out, I was worried, when Bischoff came out I definitely knew something was wrong. Years have gone by & the 24/7 documentary helped me understand the most. I’m so glad that Jeff got through it & just hope he’s healthy

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

I was literally stacking shelves as Luke mentioned it. I think I remember hearing about the incident in the main event at the time it happened, but there are big patches of the early to mid 2010s when I was in high school that I just do not remember.