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Luke and Oli look at the excellent Edge long storyline night of No Way Out 2009.

Which also features Shane McMahon outboxing Randy Orton.




No way out 2001 would of been 3 stages of hell - austin v hhh. The cactus HIAC was 2000. I’d deffo of voted for 2000 if it was on the list

Sean Dunne

Elimination Shaneber 😄

jonathan Melhuish

Fun fact I also seen that boring fish video as well

JJ Gyllenhaal

To clarify about the Dudley Boys weight gimmick in TNA. It’s nothing to do with them being in the X Division it’s just that they are on the larger side to put it nicely. My vote is for Greed for the final ever Nitro

Greg T

But…but…weren’t the magic beans in the story actually beans that were magic?