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I'm sure you've got something to ask about Cody Rhodes...


Sean Dunne

So Cody Rhodes, What's up with that ?

Sam Sweeney

Who do you think will be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year.


What activity who you love to do, but have been to afraid to try?

Dylan Kilonzo

If Cody signs to the E, how fast do you think it takes Vince to bury Cody? I say 2 weeks


Hey guys ladder matches have to be some of my favorite matches and lead to some of the coolest spots. But what would you guys say is the worst ladder match. Id say Kevin nash vs hhh at tlc 2011 because what's better than watching 2 guys who can't climb a ladder.


With more and more people not tuning into Raw and Smackdown every week, do you think they are booking the shows more for their YouTube audience? Short matches, results don't matter only moments, flashy headlines to grab views, digital exclusives being essential to fill in wrestler motivations? Are they somehow being smart and forward thinking by going online while they run their tv shows into the dirt?


Hey guys it’s my first time asking a question! If you were going to be a wrestler, who would you want to train you and why?

Eucepia Percentie (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-04 11:47:42 Hey long time listener first time mailbagger. Ollie makes his new rating system sound complicated its really just a 1 to 10 scale now. We just want Ollie to rate wwe a 1 of 5 every week & aew a 4 of 5. Love what you guys are doing out here thanks for the laughs from Bahamas.
2022-02-16 05:48:54 Hey long time listener first time mailbagger. Ollie makes his new rating system sound complicated its really just a 1 to 10 scale now. We just want Ollie to rate wwe a 1 of 5 every week & aew a 4 of 5. Love what you guys are doing out here thanks for the laughs from Bahamas.

Hey long time listener first time mailbagger. Ollie makes his new rating system sound complicated its really just a 1 to 10 scale now. We just want Ollie to rate wwe a 1 of 5 every week & aew a 4 of 5. Love what you guys are doing out here thanks for the laughs from Bahamas.

Si Kilpatrick

Hello Team Denuke I was wondering who you guys think Cody is gonna face at mania personally I think it will be Bobby for the wwe championship