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It's a sequel to Summerslam 2002 (if you ignore all of the other matches Triple H and Shawn Michaels had in between) as Shawn Michaels challenges Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. PLUS, Hardcore Holly goes for Brock Lesnar's WWE Championship and fails miserably. It's a mixed bag of a show.




This was my first royal Rumble Match i watched it came with svr06 and i used to watch the hell out of it

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

Even with the match itself being soured by, events, the Rumble match is exceptional. The LMS World Title match is very very good but the finish negatively impacts the match.

Chris Smith

Have we figured out how to get these on our podcast apps yet? Luke showed it off on his phone a while back when he was plugging this.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

There should be a way to search for RSS feeds on your podcast app, and they have a link you can plug in there on the Wrestletalk Patreon page.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

To be faaiiiiyaaaaah to the backlash to Dreamer, he didn't JUST equate sexual assault to a ponytail, he also equated to taking a settlement to tacitly admitting the assault was consensual AND part of a plan to bilk Flair out of money. Which is a frequent talking point of people who highlight "false accusations" in bad-faith: the women are just trying to get rich. To be even MORE fair: apparently "getting cancelled on Twitter" is so devastating to his career, he's back after 3 weeks with no mention.

June (Trans Rights!)

The spike downward in Google search trends is when Jinder Mahal became champion cause it was May if 2017

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

Here’s a fact for you guys, this Rumble Match was Steiners last match in WWE before being released in August of that year.

Chuck Turner

This is the first live show I went to. It was awesome but it’s a shame the rumble winner is tainted because of when he did. Cause it one of the greatest moments I’ve seen live or on tv and now it can’t be celebrated.

Sam Sweeney

Funny you mentioned Gordon, Fred, and Gino’s show because they actually did a bit of wrestling on one episode.

Sean Dunne

Luke and Oli are so funny on this...the impression are fantastic 😄


The entire time y’all were trying to figure out who else came out to billy and chucks music I just kept yelling RICO! RICO! ITS FUCKING RICO!