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Hello team!

Denise is unwell today, so Adam is filling in for her. So get your mailbag questions in down below. Can be wrestling related, can be other stuff related.

We'll record for an hour and try and answer as many questions as possible.

Luke x



Hiya boys, firstly congratulations Luke on the birth of your daughter I have a little boy myself and he makes me smile non stop last time I asked a question we discovered Denise's grandmother murdered her grandfather so trying a safer topic. Have either of you read the Transformers comic books about after the war ended? They were brilliant imo and highly recommend but would like your opinion. Of you haven't what vehicle would you transform into?


Since Adam is there, I have an NRB question. The channel has gotten me really into board games, but none of my friends are interested in playing. Any advice for finding people in town to board game with, or any plans of possibly starting some kind of NRB group to help people find other fans in their towns to play board games with?

Greg Cherry

Have you ever considered doing a game show for No Rolls Barred like attempting to do Wheel of Fortune or Countdown?


Did you ever accidentally call a teach Mum? I did, it was mortifying!

Mark Jones

Hey Luke and Adam,

Josh Razauskas

If WWE’s recent actions really are to set the company up to be sold will the buyer be able to repair their image or are they just too far gone now.


Hey guys. What's one movie you can watch on repeat and never get sick of? For me it would be the big lebowski

Jonathan V Hedman

Hello. Bluke you always make me laugh here is my question. If you could play a board game with anyone (can be more than one person) from history what game would you choose and who would you play?


Have you guys watched the 5-part youtube series that recaps the whole Hangman story? It’s called “The Good, the Bad, and the Elite” It’s wonderfully edited together to tell the full story in a very cinematic way. Captures all the ups and downs and emotions of the storyline perfectly. AEW should legit buy or license the series from the creator when they get a streaming service… or just hire the dude.

Sean Dunne

How does Mario communicate with his recently deceased sibling? Luigi Board. Have a great weekend 😀 😊 Seán

Daniel McAvoy

Happy Thanksgiving to all the USA patron backers here. It is so hard watching any WWE show whether it be Raw, Smackdown or NXT 2.0. With that said, do you see any of the current talent going to the main roster of RAW or Smackdown making a difference or will they be let go anyways. I see only Bron Breaker going anywhere. Carmelo Hayes is great but too small in Vince mind. Your thoughts, Daniel McAvoy


If you could take any Book/TV/Film/Game character(s) (non-wrestler, so King from Tekken obviously doesn't count) and turn them into a wrestler, who would you be the most interested to see?