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PETE: Hello Pledghammers!


It's time. It's time for the end of Season 11, and the beginning of Season 12 of WrestleLeague!

So much to play for with Survivor Series 2021: who will win their very own custom Jam That Jampionship, who in the WrestleTalk Office will have to do their own music video punishment for coming bottom of the table, and who will become the next number one contender to the Jam That Jampionship? We'll find out on Sunday.

So first things first: make sure to get in your predictions for Survivor Series by following the link at the bottom of this post! But first:

There are two forms to fill out: one for Season 11, and one for Season 12. Use the dropdown menu on the WrestleLeague page to change over the form from Season 11 to Season 12 and vice versa. This ensures that you get points at the end of Season 11, and at the start of Season 12! Please fill out both forms! I know this feels like I'm hammering home a very obvious point, but there's always several people who somehow miss that there are two forms despite me mentioning it a lot!

Two forms!
Fill them both out!
Use the dropdown menu!

Right, now I've said that, let's take a look at the overall leaderboard and who is in contention for their very own custom Jam That Jampionship belt, the design of which will be revealed on the Survivor Series predictions video today on the WrestleTalk Podcast channel!

1st Place (47 points)
jonathan Melhuish

2nd Place (46 points)
Benn Waller; Jason Plummer; Joey Suba; Sam Sweeney

6th Place (45 points)
Alan Monzon; Ben Green; Brian Higgins; Daniel McAvoy; Danny G; Eden Drew; Eric Linehan; Jon Gunn; Scotty Wyatt; that guy who want to support; Zach .Miller15

And there's 17 more of you on 44 points too! So there's a lot of change that can happen, especially on Survivor Series! It's so close!

And in terms of the WrestleTalk Office, to determine the number one contender to the Jam That Jampionship, and to see who will be doing the music video punishment, here's how it stands...

(17th) Luke - 44
(34th) Andy - 43
(34th) Pete - 43
(65th) Adam - 42
(65th) Tempest - 42
(144th) Laurie - 40
(144th) Oli - 40

It's close in the office too - Oli & Laurie are neck and neck, and Luke, Andy and myself are in a three-way dance for the number one contendership. Of course Luke and I are also fighting for the Jampionship at Survivor Series itself, so this could go any number of ways. I'm far more excited about WrestleLeague than I am Survivor Series if I'm honest. This should be great.

If there's any questions or queries, leave a comment on this post, message us here on Patreon or email us at support@wrestletalk.com!

Now submit your predictions following this link: https://league.wrestletalk.com/

Happy predicting!


jonathan Melhuish

Would prefer a few points lead going into survivor series as have no idea on becky / Charlotte and the tag champs match

Marcus A Campbell

I literally tossed a coin to make most of my picks, so it could go horribly wrong


Couldn't figure out the tag match so I went with RK Bro. I figure Roman to win and The Uso's are there to take the L so Roman doesn't have to as usual.

The Notorious AMC

Excited to be involved. NY guy here, pissed I can’t get beer deal 😂. Look forward to having some fun with you all. Thank you . To the WT team, been a fan, glad I joined for new season. Adam P I’m coming for you . Big fan. Let’s Jam that Jam

Jonathan V Hedman

Are you going to add the Battle Royal?

Amariie Maerthos

I don't see a drop down menu to switch to entering for Season 11

Crime and movies podcast

I don’t have a drop down option for season 11 sorry if I’m missing something obvious

The Zornisse

I wanted to edit the Season 11 pick - but I can't. Help :D


Hey guys predictions are locked but Survivor series doesn’t start for another 45 minutes 🥺 any chance the predictions can be re-opened please

jonathan Melhuish

Don’t know if I won I know I got priest wrong but can’t remember by 5 vs 5 Picks for season 11


Currently top of wrestleleague by virtue of alphabetic ordering :') stop the count!