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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

It's time to get in your predictions for AEW Full Gear 2021! Oh my god they're finally doing Hangman vs Omega, I can't wait.

Follow this link to submit your predictions, as it's the PENULTIMATE SHOW OF SEASON 11! https://league.wrestletalk.com/ 

The final show will be Survivor Series next week, which will also kickstart Season 12!

Taking a look at the standings, it is still all to play for... and a reminder very quickly that people will receive their very own custom Jam That Jampionship if they finish first overall in the standings! The design of that belt will be revealed next week ahead of Survivor Series!

So here's the standings...

1st Place (38 points)
Brian Higgins
Jason Plummer
Keith Weaver

4th Place (37 points)
Alan Monzon; Benn Waller; Clifton Gentry; Eden Drew; Eric Linehan; FizzyJames; Jonathan Melhuish; Paul Blyth; Reece Johnson; Sam Sweeney; Saúl Nolasco-Flores; Scotty Wyatt; The Zornisee; Zach .Miller15

And there are 31 more of you one point behind on 36! It's so close.

In terms of the office standings, it's also very close to deciding who has to do a music video punishment for coming bottom of the standings. Oli will be doing his previous season's punishment next week (hopefully), so it'll be up before Survivor Series. And then we find out at Survivor Series who has to do the next one!

Here's the WrestleTalk Office Standings:

(18th) Pete - 36
(49th) Luke - 35
(78th) Adam - 34
(78th) Laurie - 34
(78th) Tempest - 34
(136th) Andy - 33
(136th) Oli - 33

At the top where I belong. Good to see. How is Oli bottom again?


Kevin Fleuriot

As a former WrestleLeague winner, I'm very disappointed with my performance. I need to beat Oli

Zakari Jenkins

This card is so hard to predict

Greg Cherry

I missed the last couple. I’m too far back.

Dylan Kilonzo

Gonna need to update that now, another banger got added to this card

Dylan Kilonzo

oh wait it got updated...with another match wow holy shit 10 matches and 2 WOMENS MATCHES...wowzers

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Sadly, they always have 2 Women's Matches, and 1's ALWAYS on the preshow (except last time, when it got bumped up because PAC had to cancel)