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ANDY: Well Crown Jewel is finally over and now we don't have to think about Saudi shows for at least a few months.

If you try to ignore all the ethical issues surrounding the show, it was a pretty good set of matches all things considered!

But we're not here for a review, we're here to find out who is the best predictor!

Click here for the full standings. 

1st Place - Brian Higgins, Jason Plummer, Keith Weaver (38 points)

2nd Place - Alan Monzon, Benn Waller, Clifton Gentry, Eden Drew, Eric Linehan, FizzyJames, jonathan Melhuish, Paul Blyth, Reece Johnson, Sam Sweeney, Saúl Nolasco-Flores, Scotty Wyatt, The Zornisse, Zach .Miller15 (37 Points)

There are another 30 people in 3rd place on 36 points, so there is still so much to play for with just a couple of shows left in this season of WrestleLeague.

As for the all important Office Standings...

Luke - 35
Pete - 35
Laurie - 34
Tempest - 34
Adam - 34
Andy - 33
Oli - 33

Why does this always happen? I think Oli and I deserve a break from singing.


Kevin Fleuriot

Why the f*ck did I pick Mustafa Ali ???


There’s a problem with my score! Who do I contact please


Nice, 3rd. Only missed Roman on the [country redacted] show. I bet on the Brock-factor..

Jack Wilkes

The second time this season, (1st being jericho/mjf) where I voted with head instead of heart and picked Balor over woods and it cost me a perfect card

Amariie Maerthos

I picked Bianca, and for the life of me can't remember why

The Zornisse

Maybe because you picked what would be good instead of "what will WWE do"? :(