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Recorded WEEKS AGO, Luke and Oli sit down to review Summerslam 2002 - featuring the in-ring return of Shawn Michaels.




I was there in 2002. Still beat up and down ppv I ever saw. Second only to NXT TakeOver NY for best show ever

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

The greatest SummerSlam event ever don’t @ me. 1992 doesn’t have shit on 2002. From top to bottom the show is phenomenal. Shawn vs Triple H is an amazing match and probably my favourite match of all time. Survivor Series the same year is also a phenomenal show. 2002 is such an underrated year, especially the latter half of it.


In regards to the title changes in 02, I think its the most amount of title changes in one year where no champion had another reign that same year. Obviously most of them were former champs, but no one would win back the WWE Championship after losing it in 2002. 8 Champions and 7 Title Changes.


Holy shit, Luke, you're right. Modern music does all sound like a ringtone.


The pay off to Steph's laugh is that she signs Brock Lesnar and the WWE Championship exclusively to Smackdown, leading to Raw no longer having a World Title which is why Bishoff brought in the World Heavyweight Championship.


Poor Fink. Using the word "skanks" lol

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I had a friend who SWORE up and down he could get us into an all-girls school dance, and that bastard never delivered. I envy Thirsty Davis' tale of "our groups working our way through each other."


So I just looked up Crossroads by Blazin' Squad. Legit one of THE most lame videos I've ever seen! Lol! So much motion blur and all the members seriously staring into the camera. If you close your eyes and just hear the song, it's whatever. But with my eyes open and watching the video, I kept covering my mouth with my hands and with wide eyes just kept saying, "Oooooh nooooo...oooh noooo! 🤣"


Stephanie cackled like that at Bischoff, because she knew she was going to exclusively sign Lesnar and the Undisputed Championship to SmackDown two weeks later, leaving his brand without a Champion. That’s when WWE unveiled the big gold belt and just gave it to Triple H.

Robert Rose

Weeks late BUT the psychology of Earl in the HBK/HHH match, which JR touches on, is that Earl as a person that knows Shawn personally just won't stand there and let HHH cripple this guy. It's unsanctioned... but that means the ref's hands aren't tied by anything either. Is he going to get punished for going above his authority for something in that match? No, because officially he's not even reffing a match as far as his bosses are concerned. He's just a guy helping two other guys fight without taking a life. Also story wise, they spend the whole match having the ref stop him from using the deadly weapon that would kill Shawn, which sets up the Sledgehammer shot after the match as the shotgun blast to the back that it comes across as. If you notice in most unsanctioned matches across all companies the ref will almost always be someone who has some kind of personal involvement with the match somehow where you can imagine that he volunteered to ref this fight.


So obviously I’m just now watching this but the way you guys talk about the fink after that abominable segment taking the piss out of him is so very true. The fink got his job with wwe when he was an usher at the new Haven arena in new Haven connecticut. Not the coliseum which would come later no the old new Haven arena. Made famous by being the place Jim Morrison became the first musician arrested DURING a performance on charge of inciting a riot. Fink got his job after Vince McMahon sr noticed his enthusiasm during wrestling shows at the arena. And Vince sr felt compelled to give this man, who so obviously loved wrestling, A job. It’s a shame Vincent K has foregone so many of the moral virtues his father attempted to instill. Loyalty, pride, faith. All things lost in Vince today smh. Long live the fink.