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Hello Pledge Hammers!

There are four seasons every 12 months, but in WrestleLeague, WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE SEASON CYCLE.

That's right, it's time for Season 11 of WrestleLeague, and that also means it's the end of Season 10 of WrestleLeague, and that means someone is about to win a gorgeous trophy!

Here is the current leaderboard...

Stew Sizer - 50
Bogdan Malitskij - 49
Kevin Fleuriot - 48
Shaun Greenup - 48
Tom Shucksmith - 48

And the Office leaderboard...

Pete - 51
Luke - 46
Tempest - 44
Laurie - 42
Adam - 42
Andy - 41
Oli - 40


There are THREE forms to fill out, so please use the drop down menu to navigate between Season 10 and 11, and then between SummerSlam and NXT TakeOver!

Here are the forms to fill out.

I hope you like them.

Email Support@WrestleTalk.com if you have any issues.

Much Love,



Thomas O

Does anyone else feel like, “who cares?” When making these predictions? If it were not for the Wrestletalk guys I would not even know about WWE. Thank you to all the WT gang for making me care about you while we are all in this abusive relationship.

Bobby G.

You're not wrong lol Just focusing on getting that trophy at this point 🤣


That's my motto when it comes to WWE PPVs. "I'm just here for the WrestleLeague points!"


always predict the darkest timeline

Chad Knows Moore

I miss the bonus questions on the predictions. "Will Brock Lesnar appear?" "Will Becky Lynch return?"

Marcus A Campbell

Knowing WWE they could have Eva beat Alexa because lol


You're going down brooooother!!!!

Joe Strikes

Since Sasha wasn't there do we still get points since we predicted Bianca would lose?

Joe Strikes

But wouldn't that be rewarding the people that picked Bianca to win? Feel some would of picked Bianca regardless of opponent.

Joe Strikes

Honestly wtf was whole point of Nakamura coming out. Thought he was going to have a match. Then it cuts into a Bianca vs Sasha recap. I'm like why if Nakamura is out there. Followed by Nakamura magically disappeared. No real reason for why Banks is gone and its Carmella. Followed by Becky comes out and beats up Carmella and automatically gets title shot. It's like the Roman vs Balor contract signing all over again. Then Becky wins in 3 seconds. I'm like okay probably cuz they wasted so much time before, but it's just followed by dumb Bianca expressions and Becky "celebrating" I'm like they could of had a real match during this time instead of this nonsense. That whole timeline ruined the whole ppv for me. They literally made me not care about Becky. Lastly where is my God dam pyro. Building this whole show to be like wrestlemania and not one firework

Joe Strikes

Sorry for long post but I dont have infinite ultra chat money. Maybe I'll figure a way to shorten it but hopefully Wrestalk can provide some answers on their news report or podcast.

Amariie Maerthos

You weren't picking "Bianca to lose" though, you were picking Banks to win. Banks didn't win and neither did Bianca