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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers, it's time to get voting for what show you want to hear Oli and Luke review for August 2021! Remember - every suggestion is valid, and we have a lovely bunch of people here on Patreon. Be those lovely people. Previous August episodes have been WWE SummerSlam 2010, NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn I, and WWF SummerSlam 2000!

Your options for this month are...

WWF SummerSlam 1989 (suggested by Marcus Campbell)
The second ever SummerSlam was headlined by Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake vs Randy Savage & Zeus, and other matches included The Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude, Dusty Rhodes vs The Honky Tonk Man, The Brain Busters vs The Hart Foundation, Ted DiBiase vs Jimmy Snuka and more.

WWF SummerSlam 1992 (suggested by Chuck Turner)
The only SummerSlam to have taken place in the UK was headlined by Bret Hart vs The British Bulldog for the Intercontinental Championship, while The Ultimate Warrior faced Randy Savage for the WWF Championship. The Undertaker faced Kamala, Rick Martel faced Shawn Michaels, and more.

WWF SummerSlam 1996 (suggested by Rob James)
The main event of this show was Shawn Michaels defending his WWF Championship against Vader, meanwhile Mankind faced The Undertaker in a Boiler Room Brawl. Jerry Lawler vs Jake Roberts, Goldust vs Marc Mero, Owen Hart vs Savio Vega and more made up the rest of the card.

WCW Road Wild 1998 (suggested by Tim Dakumah)
Fresh off their match on Dynamite this week - it's Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho for the Cruiserweight Championship! As well as the nWo Invitational Battle Royal, DDP & Jay Leno vs Hollywood Hogan & Eric Bischoff, Rey Misterio Jr vs Psychosis and more.

WWF SummerSlam 1998 (suggested by Nate S)
Stone Cold Steve Austin defended his WWF Championship against The Undertaker in the main event of this show, while The Rock defended his Intercontinental Championship against Triple H in a Ladder match. Mankind defended the Tag Team Titles solo against The New Age Outlaws, D'Lo Brown faced Val Venis for the European Championship, and more.

WCW New Blood Rising [2000] (suggested by Austin Shrock)
From Wikipedia: "The name is a reference to the New Blood faction within WCW (which dissolved before the pay-per-view)." Ah, WCW in 2000, never change. Speaking of WCW in 2000, Kevin Nash faced Goldberg and Scott Steiner in a Triple Threat match, but, also a quote from Wikipedia: "After being absent from the pay-per-view due to a (kayfabe) mysterious motorcycle accident, Goldberg did not show up until the middle of the match. Then, in a worked shoot, Goldberg walked out on the match, apparently refusing to take Kevin Nash's Jacknife Powerbomb." There were also some other matches, but it's WCW in 2000 isn't it.

WWE SummerSlam 2002 (suggested by Ryan Stewart)
Brock Lesnar became the youngest WWE Champion in history by defeating The Rock in the main event of this show, while the semi-main saw the in-ring return of Shawn Michaels in an Unsanctioned Match against Triple H. The Undertaker faced Test, RVD faced Chris Benoit, Edge faced Eddie Guerrero, Ric Flair faced Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle faced Rey Mysterio and more.

WWE SummerSlam 2003 (suggested by Jonathan Hedman)
One year later, Triple H defended his World Heavyweight Championship in an Elimination Chamber match against Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Kevin Nash, and crucially, Goldberg. Kane faced RVD, Kurt Angle faced Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship, Eddie Guerrero defended his United States Championship against Chris Benoit, Rhyno and Tajiri, and more.

WWE SummerSlam 2004 (suggested by Robert Spence)
One year after that, it's another young champion's coronation, as Randy Orton defeated Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship in the main event. Triple H faced Eugene in a match that was somehow 14 minutes long, JBL faced The Undertaker for the WWE Championship, Edge faced Batista and Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship, John Cena faced Booker T in the first of a best of five series for the United States Championship and more.

WWE SummerSlam 2005 (suggested by Garrett Albright)
Most well-known for the Hulk Hogan vs Shawn Michaels match that main evented featuring the infamous Michaels overselling, the show also had Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero in a Custody of Dominik match, Edge vs Matt Hardy, Randy Orton vs Undertaker, John Cena vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship, Batista vs JBL for the World Heavyweight Championship and more.

WWE SummerSlam 2013 (suggested by Lendell Brenson)
Skipping ahead eight years, this show saw Brock Lesnar take on CM Punk, Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow, Alberto del Rio vs Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship, the in-ring debut of Bray Wyatt in a Ring of Fire match against Kane, and the main event of John Cena vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship with Triple H as a special guest referee, with Randy Orton waiting in the wings with his Money in the Bank briefcase...


That Welsh Guy

2002 and 2005 are strong contenders, regardless of what wins though I'm watching that unsanctioned match again later


It's only appropriate to watch brays debut now

General Jimmy G

For me either the UK summerslam. Or 2002.


Am I the only one old enough to really really want 92 to win this!!

JJ Gyllenhaal

Vote New Blood Rising, it goes against the scrip. 2002 is a very good one but it would be more fun watching 2005


If we could just have them review new blood rising, SummerSlam 2002 and 2005 that'd be great

Andy Walker

How has 1998 only got 3% of the vote? The ladder match between Rock and HHH alone was superb

Marcus A Campbell

A ppv from the 80’s should be reviewed one month but it is not this month

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I'm that guy. I always vote for the bad PPVs. I like the tone to be more "MST3K" than "actual review." Though I love both in their own ways.

Zakari Jenkins

I was hoping for summer slam 2013 but HBK vs Trips is fun too