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PETE: I called it didn't I.

There's been a match added to Impact Slammiversary - Brian Myers & Tenille Dashwood vs Matt Cardona & a mystery tag team partner.

Also the TBA in the Women's Money in the Bank match has been announced. And it's Tamina. Hmm. So all of you who might have already predicted the TBA, like me, maybe consider changing your pick. Or don't, I'm not your dad.

Anyway, log in here and make sure you've got all your picks in! https://league.wrestletalk.com/



there goes Adams pick for the woman's MitB match

That Welsh Guy

Well there's nobody meaner..... look away while I change my pick

Marcus A Campbell

At least now we're prepared for disappointment

Ryan B Badd

is the SD tag title match not being added to predictions ?

Jonathan V Hedman

Are we not picking the Smackdown Tag Title match?