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Hi DeNukers!

Luke & Denise will be recording their mailbag show today! So get your mailbag questions in below! 

We're recording at:

9am PT

12pm ET

5pm BST

Much love!

Team DeNuke x



Hey guys with everything starting to open back up, like movie theaters I was wondering what movies are you looking forward to the the most. For me It would have to be dune. Have a good one!


Hey guys: I've got an interesting video content idea for you. The "Have You Seen Me" series. A series of videos about wrestlers who are not fired yet have disappeared from television. I was watching UpUpDwnDwn today and the name Montez Ford was said. I can't remember the last time he was mentioned. Then I realized I haven't seen Dawkins either. What happened to these guys? They're weren't fired, so where did they go? I can see Laurie or Pete picking a single missing name and going into depth on that person's career, what they did last, what could have happened, and why he/she is gone. WWE would clearly be the biggest culprit, but ROH and the other guys would be fair game here too. You could use the face on the back of a milkcarton for the thumbnail. So what do you think of my idea? thanks as always and Fight The Intangibles!!


Hi Luke and Denise Hope you are both well, I've been busy recently and haven't posted in a while. Just wondering who are your top 3 favourite wrestlers who are currently active (Doesn't matter if they are booked poorly or not). Mine are Hangman Adam Page, Ricochet and Jon Moxley. Thanks for all the work you do to keep us informed and entertained. Everyone at Wrestletalk and your friends/guests have helped me alot over the last year through the difficulties I've had. Have a great day.

The Zornisse

Since they have upped the amount of money for ultrachats to be read out I restrain myself from that (being a 50 dollar patreon - you can't do it all :) ). Will it stay that 5 $ is the min amount? And what way to support benefits WT better: Ultrachatting or being a Patreon?


Hello the Den and Uke connection! With the anniversary of the nWo forming; if you were to remake the nWo in NXT who would you put into the group?


LUKE: I'll answer this! We upped the amount as we were getting in too many UC which meant we had to prioritise those over the actual review. It was a good problem to have, but we were worried that it was coming at the expense of the show. We appreciate any level of support anyone gives us :)

that guy who want to support

Hello there team denuke and welcome to behind the paywall lovely Ms. Denise. You've been talking a lot about sitcoms on this wrestling podcast so I've been wondering did any of you ever watched my personal favourite "Scrubs" and if you did what your thoughts on it?. In case you haven't is there any scene in a movie or show that always makes you cry? For me it's the "it's not your fault" scene in "good Will Hunting" it just gets me on a very personal level. Have a great weekend everyone


Hope both of you are having a lovley day ! My question to the two of you is how long before WWE's creative issues starts to really negativitly affect the chances of signing talent ? I'm no fool and know they will find talent to sign but WWE offered Moose a good deal straight to the main roster yet he choose not to sign partly due to fears of how their creative is. With more options to wrestler at such as AEW, Impact , NJPW , etc it feels like WWE is going to be hit by that talent wise.

Mark Jones

Not a Mailbag question ... but where will this be available to watch from? I can't seem to find where it would be stored.


So, Malakai Black (or Blacks if you go by Tommy's IG), how can AEW make it work without resorting to hocus pocus bullcrap that has been so hated by most internet fans? (Also, if I may, technical question: what mics are you guys using for podcasting?)

Scott Peaden

Mailbag: Do you guys feel that AEW signing ex-WWE guys is a good thing or a bad thing? I think it's great that they are getting chances to succeed eslewhere but I don't want AEW's roster to get too bloated like we've seen from WWE.

Abhi Gudimella

Hey Team DeNuke, For us in California (PST), this post comes out at 4am and since the show is recorded at 9am, it’s kinda tough to get the questions. Is it possible to post this a day ahead?


Hey Team Denuke, not a question but I actually work at SiriusXM where the infamous Howard Stern resides. To answer your question, yes he is still a big radio personality. In fact, he has his own wing of SiriusXM. Not just anyone can enter his studio as employees for his show have their own special key access to get in. I’ve also seen Chris Jericho in the offices once, and I worked in the studio beside Sam Roberts during my internship in 2018. Also, NY is 100% the best city (minus Times Square) You can do so much that people don’t know about I would suggest using TikTok to look at events that are happening and all that you can do. P.S. If any of you do come to New York I do have a studio that I work at where you guys can record your podcast at, both video and audio you are always welcome 🙏🏾