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Hello Pledge Hammers!

Now that we've all dried our tears following the break-up of the Undisputed Era, it's time to see how everyone did in the all important Wrestle League predictions!

Click here to find out how you got on! 

Also, a final call for people who didn't read the Royal Rumble post about filling in BOTH forms and subsequently got zero points for the show. You can email me and I will sort it for you, but please read the whole post next time!

The office leaderboard is good if you're anyone other than Pete.

Tempest - 11
Randy - 10
Louis - 10
Adam - 9
Luke - 9
Laurie - 9
Oli - 8
Pete - 6

Does Pete watch wrestling?

Thanks to everyone who took part in these predictions! The next one will be live tomorrow for the Elimination Chamber!

Drop me an email if there are any issues.

Much love,



Marco Talin

Man, I'm not doing great this season so far. Got both dusty classic predictions wrong, bet on Kushida, picked Daniel Bryan to win the Rumble, and I even forgot to submit my answer for Banks vs Carmella. Ah well. I'm still doing better than Pete.

Green Bastard

We’re there any main roster guys there? Thought I seen somewhere that Edge was there

jonathan Melhuish

2 points , again I go by mostly logically booking and it burns me

Alex Storm

After two straight top five finishes in the last two seasons, I.........well, I’ve completely shit the bed so far this season.

Alex Storm

*stares in mirror; sees a reflection of Chopper* What have I become.


just canceled my network sub the last social media thing was the last straw