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Hello Pledge Hammers!

Now before I give you the link, because this is the end and start of a season, there are TWO forms. They are completely identical, but if you don't fill out the second form, you won't get points for the next season. Use the dropdown menu just above the predictions form to navigate between Season 8 and Season 9.

ALSO. Please make sure you spell your Rumble predictions right, or there is no guarantee I'll be able to give you points. Also, please use the full ring name of your prediction, so write "Roman Reigns" and not "Roman" or "Reigns" as they won't be accepted by the algorithm!

Also, exciting news! You are now able to look back at the predictions you did for previous shows! How exciting is that!

Now I've said that, remember this is the final show of Season 8, and it's all still to play for! And even if you sucked in Season 8, Season 9 is also starting, so it's all still to play for!

Here is the form for Royal Rumble Predictions. 

Oli - 28
Adam - 27
Louis - 27
Luke - 27
Laurie - 25
Pete - 24
Rich - 24
Andy - 21

Oh damn. I genuinely didn't realise how badly I was doing. Holla Holla, I guess.

Both forms close at 11pm GMT (6pm ET, 3pm PT) on Sunday, so make sure your forms are submitted by then!

Any questions about the form or about how to spell Bayley (not Bailey), drop me an email at andy@wrestletalk.com

Much love,



Alex Storm

Whoa, this was a quick season!

jonathan Melhuish

Well 5 picks at the moment and 3 of them of virtual locks , so seems Alex wild has already won it

Luke Aaron

This is kinda cheeky, but do you have to put the same predictions on both forms? Like for season 8 I might put Big E to win, but to start season 9 I might put Daniel Bryan? 😄

Justin McLuckie

Are we not going to predict the Sasha Banks/Carmella match and the Bayley/Bianca Belair match? Or are they going to be added later?

RLT Sandwich

I can't help but pick Nia & Shayna. They are facing Asuka and we all know her catchphrase: "Nobody loses to Asuka" 💔


Season 8 has my bold predictions. That's right. Jimmy Yang Wang will be my Royal Rumble winner


I can't access the season 8 form


My link never works on the app to access the forms. Anyone else have this problem? It works on a web browser, just curious if I am the only one experiencing this problem

Andrew Mercogliano

Anyone else just now realize they only filled out the first form and now want to die, or was that just me?