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  • WT After Dark DEC2020.m4a



Hello $10 Pledge Hammers!

Luke and Pete sit down for a couple of drinks (well, at least Luke does) and chat some nonsense for 80 mins. Enjoy!

Hope you all had a good Christmas!




Video version ?

Carol Wands

Yeah where is the video version?????

Jonathan V Hedman

So I take it there's no video version this time around?

Chris Brimstone

Are we absolutely sure there's no video version? Can someone ask Luke about this?

Tom Delves

I think with each addition time asking, we increase the likelihood that there will in fact be a video version. So I'll try asking him myself, Luke mate is there a video version?

Carol Wands

Ok... Sad face. I'll still listen. I need to clean my room anyway, no video means I don't have to look at the computer, lol.