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Hello Pledge Hammers!

The first show of Wrestle League Season 8 is now in the history books, and that means all of your predictions are too!

Did you get them all right? Did you get them all wrong? Well, it's time to find out by clicking on the link below...

Wrestle League Season 8 Standings. 

"Great work!"

"Good effort!"

"Bad Luck!"

"Do you watch wrestling?!"

There, those are my reactions to your scores depending on how you did.

The Office leaderboard is a bizarre affair. I have included every member of the YouTube and Website teams in this season.

Oli - 5
Pete - 5
Adam - 4
Louis - 4
Luke - 4
El Fakidor - 4
ModMother - 4
Randy - 3
Liam - 3
Nate - 3
Rich - 3
Tempest - 2

Thankfully, Tempest knows more about wrestling than predictions.

Contrary to popular (Oli and Luke) belief, Season 8 started with NXT WarGames and not Survivor Series, and will finish with the Royal Rumble. The next show on the calendar is WWE TLC on December 20.

If you have any issues with your score, do let me know by emailing andy@wrestletalk.com

Holla Holla,



jonathan Melhuish

Don’t think I have ever start with 100% to kick off a season

That Welsh Guy

So why did it not start with survivor series this time? Wasn't that always the point that the last show of a season was the first show of the next?


I did bad, very very bad 😅

Marcus A Campbell

Starting in the middle of the pack so it looks like i have a lot of ground to cover if I'm going to win

Kevin Fleuriot

Very awful start, I knew I should've picked Team LeRae, but I thought Shotzi would get some revenge for her tank. However, I don't get why Thatcher and Grimes keep losing every match they have


You got those tabulated quick! First ever predictions in the books AND I DIDN'T SUCK!


ANDY: Last time we tried to do a double header (finish and start with same show), about a hundred people missed out because they didn't realise we were doing it. It's just to make sure everyone gets a fair shot.

Jonathan V Hedman

I literally picked 0 correct there should be some kind of award for that.

Luke Aaron

First ever time, 4 to start off ain’t so bad. Unfortunately got both the war games matches wrong 😭😄

David Feig

I forgot to sign up! ugh!