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(Third time lucky? This time? Please, Patreon?)

It's WINNER TAKES ALL as Team WWF collides with The Alliance in a colossal main event with ultimate stakes. Could this be the end of Vince McMahon's WWF?

(spoilers, no it isn't).



Malcolm Searcy

1:24:58 and 1:27:29 PARTAY ❤️😂


THANK GOODNESS, thank you guys, listening to this in line for a coronavirus test. Thank you thank you thank you

Chris Duncan

Works fine with me. Was wondering when this was getting released. Think I'm one of the few that actually LIKED the Invasion angle BTW This PPV wasn't on Channel 4. Pretty certain it was Vengeance instead

Jonathan V Hedman

I shockingly heard this day of release. Which never happens so 99.9% of the time I listen to this much like Mr. Davis said but this one time I heard this today.


Only 17 minutes in but gotta say, admittedly I'm from Michigan, but I pronounce 'schedule' the same as Oli. Also, reina, is actually pronounced: Ray-Nuhhh As said means queen and also a beautiful name for a baby girl because of that. Looking forward to seeing Denise's reaction. 😂 Undetermined if I'll listen to that podcast or the Cultaholic one after this but thanks for entertaining me through 3rd shift regardless 🤘

Peter Brantuas

You guys are amazing. Thank you for the laughs during the early onset of winter in Alaska.


When Steph said "Shane and I just couldn't wait for you to die", I felt that.

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

It might seem too much, but I would have booked the winner take all match like this (with no limitations on contracts or injuries): Team WWF: Co captain Stone Cold Steve Austin, Co captain The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho Team WCW/nWo: Co captain Sting, Ric Flair, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page, Co captain Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Booker T Team ECW: Captain Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhyno, Tazz, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. RVD, Benoit and Guerrero would all last for over half the match, maybe even three quarters and each having a star making performance. Taker would get eliminated when Hogan would use Stings baseball bat to try and eliminate someone else that would duck, resulting in the bat hitting Taker. Taker wouldn’t realise it was Hogan who uses the bat so Taker would go on a rampage beating up everyone single handily before putting Sting through the announce table, setting up their WM.X8 match. Rock, Austin, Hogan and Savage would be the final four and Rock eliminating Savage would start their feud for Mania while Austin would cost Hogan the match starting their feud.

JJ Gyllenhaal

Good jeez. I’m watching the entire Invasion & I’m in July. WCW may off died once March but the spirit of WCW horrible booking lived on throughout this & 19+ painful years


Sorry luke, you’re definitely wrong about the schedule thing. Not sure what on earth would make you think it’s pronounced that way. Sch makes a “sk” sound in English not “sh”. For example school. Scheme. Schizophrenic. Schism. You’re wrong. The rest of the English language is correct… sorry bud