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Hello Pledge Hammers!

It's time to see how you all did this past weekend, as scores will have changed drastically thanks to having two shows in two days!

It's extremely tight at the top of the leaderboard, with just 3 points separating the top 10!

Here is the leaderboard for your perusal.  

For those wondering how the office leaderboard currently looks, here you go:

Randy - 33
Adam - 33
Pete - 33
Luke - 32
Rich - 32  
Laurie - 31
Oli - 31

Again, very close, even if we are all completely terrible at predictions.

If you have any issues with your score or anything else, drop me a message at andy@wrestletalk.com.

The next show we'll be predicting is AEW Full Gear on November 7, so be sure to check in next week!

Much love,




I am top and I still don’t know how people haven’t over taken me I got 0 points on impact😂

Alex Storm

I thank you for your terrible impact score, as it helped me inch closer. Now, if only i also hadn’t done really poorly with my impact predictions, hahaha.

Sean Dunne

Tough prediction these last few rounds. Toughest league yet.

Connor King

I've just became a patreon and i wish i did earlier cuz i got 5 out of 5 on hell in a cell

Harley Wolfe

This has been a rough season, especially Bound for Glory and HIAC.