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Hello Pledge Hammers!

It's time for you all to click some small boxes on a web page again! NXT TakeOver 31 is this weekend, and those matches won't predict themselves!

Here is the predictions form. 

We're getting closer to the end of Season 7, with Survivor Series on November 22 being the final show, so it's more important than ever to get those predictions in!

It's looking bad for Corporate Chopper in the office standings...giving those points to Mr Davis appears to have backfired.

Luke - 25
Randy - 24
Oli - 24
Rich - 23
Laurie - 21
Adam - 21
Pete - 18  

The form for this weekend's show will close at the start of the pre-show, so make sure to submit your picks before that.

Any issues, drop me an email on andy@wrestletalk.com and I will be sure to get back to you ASAP.

Much Love



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