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Hello Pledge Hammers!

It's that time, once again, for everybody to jump aboard the POOOOOOOOLL TRAIN! Read all the choices down below and make your voice heard! And remember, don't be a dick about the choices or the what people have voted for. This is a cool community full of nice people. Be those nice people.

WCW Fall Brawl 1997 (suggested by Marcus Campbell)
The main event saw nWo vs The Four Horsemen in War Games. Elsewhere on the card, Lex Luger & DDP faced Scott Hall & Randy Savage in a no DQ match and Eddie Guerrero faced Chris Jericho for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship.

WWF Ground Zero: In Your House [1997] (suggested by Nate)
Bret Hart faced The Patriot for the WWF Championship in this show, but the main event was Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker.

WCW Fall Brawl 1998 (suggested by Flame Inc. Live)
We're back with some more War Games in the main event, this time it's Team WCW (DDP, Piper & Warrior) vs nWo Hollywood (Hogan, Hart & Ray) vs nWo Wolfpac (Nash, Sting & Luger).

WWF Breakdown: In Your House [1998] (suggested by Stephen and Giovanna)
This stacked card featured Owen Hart vs Edge, The Rock vs Ken Shamrock vs Mankind in a Steel Cage, and the main event was Kane vs Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Championship, with some extra stipulations stacking the odds against Stone Cold.

ECW Anarchy Rulz 1999 (suggested by Chris Merryman)
Tommy Dreamer and Raven faced Rhino and Steve Corino for the Tag Titles on this show, while it was main evented by RVD vs Balls Mahoney for the ECW Championship.

WWE Unforgiven 2003 (suggested by Soren Nordh)
Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels, Christian vs Chris Jericho vs RVD, Kane vs Shane McMahon in a Last Man Standing match, and the main event of Goldberg vs Triple H in a title vs career match - this is a pretty stacked show.

TNA No Surrender 2007 (suggested by Zander Mania)
Kurt Angle faced Jay Lethal for the X-Division Championship, there was a ten team gauntlet match for a number one contendership spot at Bound For Glory, Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe, and the main event saw Kurt Angle wrestle again, this time for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Abyss.

TNA No Surrender 2008 (suggested by Lendell Brenson)
One year later, Petey Williams, Consequences Creed, and Sheik Adbul Bashir faced off for the X-Division Championship, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt battled in a Ladder of Love match for our friend SoCal Val, Beer Money faced LAX for the Tag Titles, and the main event saw Samoa Joe vs Christian Cage vs Kurt Angle for the TNA Heavyweight Championship.

WWE Night of Champions 2013 (suggested by Jonathan Hedman)
Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman (remember when that was a thing?) faced CM Punk in a handicap match, Dean Ambrose faced Dolph Ziggler for the US Title, while Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns faced The Primetime Players for the Tag Titles. Yes that's real. The main event saw Daniel Bryan face Randy Orton for the WWE Championship.

NXT TakeOver: Fatal 4-Way [2014] (suggested by Nigel Morris)
Unlike the main roster show of the same name, not all the matches on this card were Fatal 4-Ways, with Charlotte facing Bayley for the Women's Championship, Enzo Amore faced Sylvester Lefort in a Hair vs Hair match, and the main event saw Adrian Neville defend his NXT Championship against Tyson Kidd, Tyler Breeze and Sami Zayn.

All In [2018] (suggested by Duncan)
The prelude to AEW, the show saw Cody face Nick Aldis for the NWA Title, Jay Lethal faced Flip Gordon for the ROH Championship, Kenny Omega faced Pentagon, Kazuchika Okada faced Marty Scurll and The Golden Elite took on the team of Bandido, Rey Fenix and Rey Mysterio.

PROGRESS Chapter 76: Hello Wembley [2018] (suggested by Sean Blanford)
Mark Haskins vs Matt Riddle, Jinny vs Millie McKenzie vs Toni Storm for the Women's Championship, Pete Dunne vs Ilja Dragunov, Eddie Dennis vs Mark Andrews in a TLC match and the incredible main event of WALTER vs Tyler Bate. This is a card to check out for sure.


Alex kirkman

All in already reviewed

Henric Häggqvist

Naively voting for Fall Brawl '97.. Would be fun to hear you talk about WCW sometime!

Andrew Baylis

I'd rather it not be All In but I'm sure it'll be a good podcast either way. I'd like it to be a Fall Brawl, or at least something from more than ten years ago.

Chris Merryman

They already reviewed All In, if you want to hear their thoughts just go to YouTube


voting for All In so Luke can finally see it

Chris Duncan

If this All Out 2 prediction war goes tits up for Luke (I for one hope it doesn't), who's reviewing it with Oli? (No I'm not calling him by that other name) #SupportWrestleLuke

Bryant Heath

Voting for All In just to get it over with

Micah Knab

Even though they’ve already done an All In review there is some nice poetic symmetry of AEW starting with Luke and Oli being friends and tomorrow is the day where their friendship is put through the test for All Out. Maybe it will bring them back to their better days *single tear emoji*

Abhi Gudimella

Ok guys we could give Luke a chance to review All In but also how about we don’t?

JJ Gyllenhaal

Just let All In win. It’s not a WWE PPV so just be happy 😃 JAM THAT JAM


I can't wait to hear an indepth review of the show, as I watched it without knowing who many of the stars where

Sean Blanford

Let's hope Mr. Wrestletalk also neglected to see All In otherwise this might be a Luke-Warm recap episode