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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers! Andy is on holiday right now, so forgive me if any of this WrestleLeague stuff is wrong - I don't normally do it!

The form for Payback 2020 predictions is here: https://league.wrestletalk.com

As SummerSlam was the first show of this season, here are the office standings currently:

Luke - 7
Rich - 7
Laurie - 6
Pete - 6
Andy - 4
Oli - 4
Adam - 3

I saw some people asking who Rich was on the last predictions form. He's one of our editors. And he's lovely.

If there's any issues with filling out the form - drop us an email at support@wrestletalk.com and we'll get back to you when we can!

Laurie came in first place and Andy came in last place for the last season of WrestleLeague, so Andy will have to do a music video punishment at some point in the future! We'll be sure to make a post here and on YouTube etc once some choices have been made for a poll!

The final office standings were:

Laurie - 53
Luke - 52
Adam - 48
Rich - 45
Pete - 44
Oli - 43
Andy - 42


Chris Petrou

Don't worry Adam, I got 3 points for SS as well. It will be a challenge, but a comeback for us is possible.

Peter Brantuas

After quizzlemania last night, mr davis, you shall always be Oli to me.

That Welsh Guy

so not a big deal, bearly worth mentioning, but I'm noticing i don't seem to have my point from Summerslam? I know I submitted them and won't pretend I did particularly well just wanted to know if there was a way to fix this? if not no worries, it's all in fun after all

Green Bastard

Are we gonna be getting new matches to predict or is it just the 5???