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Hello Pledge Hammers!

Oh how I've missed you all. What with Steve Corino ruining everyone's lives, there's been a distinct lack of PPV shows to predict.

Thankfully, all that changes this weekend as we have Money in the Bank 2020 to predict. Who will climb the corporate ladder? Will someone just take the elevator? We'll have to wait and see.

Click here to visit our Patreon portal and submit your predictions. 

Here is the current office leaderboard.

Andy - 0
Adam - 0
Pete - 0
Luke - 0
Laurie - 0
Oli - 0

As you can see, Andy is well out in front, and as usual Oli is in last place, but it's all still to play for as Season 6 gets underway.

The form will close once the pre-show starts on Sunday, so be sure to get your predictions in ASAP. Any matches added during or before SmackDown will be added to this form as soon as possible.

Any issues, drop me an email on andy@wrestletalk.com and I'll sort it for you ASAP.

Happy predicting!



Ewan Macdonald

Lacey isnt an option we can pick for the women's ladder match

Alex Storm

4th times a charm, I'm winning this one for sure!

Jam that James

the bonus question here is if we think someone will fall of the top of WWE HQ, but your prediction video asks who specifically will fall.

Blake Lloyd

There was an issue with the Mens MITB, it wouldnt let me select Brock Lesner

That Welsh Guy

Will Cesaro vs Jeff Hardy be added to the predictions? I mean we all know Jeff is winning but just curious