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Hello PledgeHammers!

It's time to cast your vote for what you want to hear Oli & Luke review this month for WrestleTalk Extra! It's April, so you know there are a ton of WrestleMania suggestions! Except these ones are in front of fans.

Previous April episodes have included WrestleMania XXX and WrestleMania X-7!

Read through all the options and cast your vote below! And remember, we're all fans and every suggestion is valid. Happy polling!

*This poll is a re-do from the previous poll as only $10+ backers were eligible to vote, instead of $5+, so we're doing it again with everybody involved as it should be! Sorry about that. We'll see if you vote for the same show or not!*

WWF WrestleMania VIII (suggested by Chris Petrou)

Taking place in 1992 (before I was born, hot damn), Bret Hart and Roddy Piper fought for the Intercontinental Championship, while Ric Flair faced Randy Savage for the WWF Championship. But that wasn't the main event, that was saved for Hulk Hogan vs Sid Justice of course. Plus this featured the infamous return of the Ultimate Warrior where Papa Shango missed his cue and Sid kicked out of the leg drop. Good times.

WWF WrestleMania IX (suggested by Marcus Campbell)

Ah WrestleMania IX. Undertaker has his worst WrestleMania match against Giant Gonzalez, and Jim Ross was in a toga, but that's ok, because Bret Hart was going to be crowned as the next big thing in the main event against Yokozuna. Except he lost. And then Hogan came out. And then he beat Yokozuna in a matter of seconds. Because Hogan. Good times.

WCW Spring Stampede 1999 (suggested by Mike McAlinden)

We jump forward six years to 1999 where the WCW World Championship was defended by Ric Flair in a Four Corners match against Hulk Hogan, Sting, and DDP. Goldberg faced Kevin Nash, and Scott Steiner faced Booker T for the vacant United States Championship.

WWF WrestleMania 2000 (suggested by Tyler Bailey)

A McMahon in every corner. Who ever thought this was a good idea. A WrestleMania infamous for its lack of singles matches - there was one and it was a Catfight with Val Venis as special guest referee - WrestleMania 2000 is certainly one for the history books. Just maybe not in the right way.

WCW Spring Stampede 2000 (suggested by Flame Inc. Live)

What happens when you have a company with no champions and decide to crown them all in the same night? Spring Stampede 2000 happens. Featuring fourteen matches - none of which went over 10mins apart from the main event - every champion in WCW was re-crowned on this show. It's crowded.

WWF Backlash 2000 (suggested by Chuck Turner)

This show featured Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit for the Intercontinental Championship, but it's all really about the main event - The Rock vs Triple H for the WWF Championship with Shane McMahon as Special Guest Referee, featuring one of the loudest pops you will ever hear in wrestling.

WWF Backlash 2001 (suggested by Robert Spence)

The PPV after the best WrestleMania of all time in most peoples' eyes - X7 - Backlash saw The Two Man Power Trip of newly-heel Stone Cold and Triple H vie for The Tag Team Championships in addition to their WWF and Intercontinental Championships respectively. Unfortunately for them, The Brothers of Destruction held the gold. Plus there's William Regal vs Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle in an Ultimate Submission match. Spicy stuff.

WWE WrestleMania 21 (suggested by Jonathan Hedman)

But now we skip forward four years to 2005, where WrestleMania went Hollywood. Kurt Angle faced Shawn Michaels, John Cena faced JBL for the WWE Championship, while Batista faced Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship.  Also Akebono vs Big Show happened. Yeah that was this one.

TNA Lockdown 2005 (suggested by Justin Edelheit)

Meanwhile in TNA, it was time for Lockdown. An apt name given the current climate. Every match was some sort of Cage Match, including Jeff Hardy vs Raven, Team Nash vs Team Jarrett, and AJ Styles vs Abyss for the number one contendership to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

WWE WrestleMania 22 (suggested by James Lynch)

BIG TIME. Big. Time. That was the slogan for WrestleMania 22. Catchy.  A Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship took place between Randy Orton, Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio, while Shawn Michaels took on Mr. McMahon, because of course he did, and The Undertaker had an oft-forgotten Mania match against Mark Henry. The main event was John Cena vs Triple H for the WWE Championship.

ROH Caged Collision 2009 (suggested by Joe Gianella)

This PPV, as ROH as a whole tends to be, is a fascinating look at what WWE would become. With Claudio Castagnoli (Cesaro) vs Kevin Steen (Kevin Owens), Austin Aries vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) vs Tyler Black (Seth Rollins), Nigel McGuinness vs El Generico (Sami Zayn - er, I mean, they're two totally different people) and more!

TNA Lockdown 2010 (suggested by Adonis)

It's time for another bout of Steel Cage matches in Lockdown 2010, including Kurt Angle vs Mr. Anderson, Kevin Nash vs Eric Young, and of course, there's Team Hogan vs Team Flair in a Lethal-Lockdown-Don't-Call-It-A-War-Games Match.

WWE WrestleMania 27 (suggested by Duncan)

WrestleMania 27, AKA The Bad One, is the one that The Miz main evented against John Cena. Also The Rock was there. Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler with Stone Cold as the special guest referee felt like the longest match in existence, but that title actually goes to Undertaker vs Triple H, where the Streak had finally become a legendary moniker for people to chase.

WWE WrestleMania 28 (suggested by Lendell Brenson)

The following year saw the year-long built match between The Rock and John Cena main event the show, while CM Punk faced Chris Jericho for the WWE Title, Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds, and Triple H faced The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Michaels as the Special Guest Referee, which was The End Of An Era - until Saudi Arabia bought the era back.

WWE Extreme Rules 2012 (suggested by KET)

Also on that Raw after Mania 28 was the return of Brock Lesnar, who attacked John Cena, setting up this match at Extreme Rules 2012. CM Punk had a rematch against Chris Jericho, and Cody Rhodes faced Big Show for the Intercontinental Title.

WWE WrestleMania 29 (suggested by Zander Mania)

Once In A Lifetime. Except when it's twice. The Rock vs John Cena main evented WrestleMania yet again, while CM Punk faced The Undertaker, and Triple H faced Brock Lesnar, and if Triple H lost, he would have to retire. But Trips, there's so many Saudi matches to have yet!

ROH Supercard Of Honor VII (suggested by Nate)

Here we are back in ROH, looking at all the talent that would eventually jump ship to WWE, some not long after this show. Mike Bennett, Shelton Benjamin, Karl Anderson, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole, Matt Hardy, reDRagon, Kevin Steen and more! And Steve Corino himself was actually there at ringside! Mental!


That Welsh Guy

why do people want a bad mania, we get shorter reviews when it's a show the boys dislike and thus is less entertaining

Tom Delves

DAMMIT! Mania 21 isn't winning now :'(

Josh Razauskas

voted for Mania 28. Such an awesome card!


Coronavirus sucks but Wrestlemania 22 absolutely slaps

Jonathan V Hedman

I really want to hear the lads talk about all those wonderful movie parodies, HBK vs angle, Eddie vs Rey and that money in the bank match that was the highlights of a great mania. Plus Akebono vs Big Show is Nicole Doshi’s most favourite match.

Jeremy Brooks

I hope 22 wins. It was my first mania and I have so much nostalgia for it! Not to mention some great matches on the card like Edge and Foley.


Call me crazy but who doesn’t want to hear luke go on about hulk hogan in wrestlemania IX😂

Oliver Flood

Mania 22 is all my all time fav! Been waiting for another excuse to rewatch


I don't get it, top wwe stars are competing in the roh show. What a fascinating look at them then that would be.

Brad Beverly

I was there live for 27, bittersweet to say the least. My favorite of all time has his last match at the time and the show wnds with rock burrying the whole company. It was the first time i ever realized what bad booking was. Changed my fandom forever.

Brad Beverly

I was 12 at the time