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Hello my darling Pledge Hammers!

Wrestle Kingdom 14 is over, and it only took two days and 20 matches!

Unsurprisingly, the amount of matches means the leaderboard looks very different, and we have just one person leading the way, so congratulations to Mahmoud Jaber, who is on 29 points!

Season 4 Leaderboard. 

The office leaderboard is also interesting. You will remember that last season's loser, Pete, was ahead of everyone by at least 3 points...now let's see where he is.

Laurie - 24
Randy - 22
Luke - 21
Pete - 18
Oli - 16

Back on form, Pete. Looks like it's going to be another face off between Oli and Pete for that coveted last place.

Here is the predictions sheet for anyone wondering how everyone else predicted.

I will be uploading both Impact: Hard to Kill and NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool II forms today and tomorrow, so look out for those later.

Do drop me a message if there's an issue with anything, andy@wrestletalk.com is how you can reach me. Although I would recommend trying CTRL+F before telling me your name isn't on the leaderboard...Sarmad.

GDPR Note: If you want your name to be anonymous for any reason at all, please email andy@wrestletalk.com and I will sort that for you. 

Lots of love,



JJ Gyllenhaal

Beating OLI by 1 point. It’s going to be close. I clearly suck at New Japan


Buck your ideas up Mr Davis 😂


I did poorly on this one which isn't a surprise since I do not follow New Japan. Luckily it looks like everyone else did at least as poorly if not more so than I.


Yes Yes Yes Yes !!!!

Stew Sizer

I did ok in WK14, but still lagging thanks to bad predictions from TLC lol. 17points


LUKE: I really should have done better. No idea why I didn't go with Naito for both nights.

Michael Bunge

WK is the only show I've done so far as a new pledgehammer. Can't wait to see how I'll do on a full slate!

Kevin Fleuriot

This two new nights absolutely destroyed me... I had Ibushi and White winning night one, my midcard was also horrendous

Blake Lloyd

Up to 4th 😀, doing Swaft Under proud

Richard Darby

i dod not take part i dont watch new japan

Mr Mark J Grear

I had a terrible on wrestle kingdom from 5th to 10th