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Well, this is a long one. Luke and Oli talk for nearly four hours about one of the most famous wrestling PPVs of all time, Survivor Series 1997. It's a show that features Team Canada vs. Team USA, the debut match of Kane, and Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart for the WWF Championship with *that* finish.

So, as you would imagine, they go into a lot of detail about the Montreal Screwjob. Perhaps too much. There's also some Rickrolling chat.


Tom Carter

Really enjoyable and insightful review. Always look forward to these!


Already listened three twice! Lots of driving

Sean Dunne

I must of done the same thing and merge my memory of Bret doing the WCW sign. Thought I saw that live 😮

DANiel 'The Mayor of Painsville' Schachtmeier

You think you heard all about it and then there is this. This got more interesting and more interesting and more interesting by the minute. Luke...just wow.


Oli's rant towards the French was hilarious. As a French Canadian I take no offence, for we feel no shame.

Hector Mercado

Friday night with trees and the boys 😂

Martin Putt

Actually Luke Rick Rude left DX and the WWF a few weeks after the Montreal Screwjob. He appeared on the episode of Raw that was taped and on the live Nitro in the same night.


Just finished this one, brilliant Luke and Oli! Mind blowing how it all went down. Will try to watch the Wrestling with shadows documentry. Keep it up, thanks =)

ronak patel

I still have a starship troopers plastic cup.


It was the next night. The next nights episode of raw was taped which is why rude was on it, that was the night he also showed up on nitro. It was the very next night after the screw job.


Hey guys just a reminder stone cold won kotr in 96 not 97. So he wasn’t fresh off the kotr win when he broke his neck. It had been about a year and a half.


Re-listening to this a couple things have come to my attention that I feel the need to help clarify. 1st the Michael Cole “who’s gonna win” question to vince I think has taken on a life of its own with what happened at the end of the night. Yes it’s still a weird question but remember last month at badd blood vince was “just a commentator”. But now here they’re putting over that he’s actually the owner. A commentator would’ve given their opinion based on hbk and brets styles and history, the owner would say “I don’t know who’s gonna win”. Plus it keeps putting over the fact that “this match is real” bc even the owner of the company claims he doesn’t know who’s going to win. 2nd, the nation of domination was NOT about race at the beginning. By this time, and further into the AE it would BECOME about race. But it didn’t start that way. Of the original members, don’t forget there was pg 13 crush and savio Vega. 3 white guys and a Puerto Rican… not exactly the black panthers… 3rd, Rick rude left wwe the next night over the screw job. The very next week (8days following survivor series) is when he showed up on both shows. Bc they taped that show the night after after that edition of raw. 4th, Luke you need to pay more attention. The thought was never that Bret would show up on wcw w the belt. It was that Eric bischoff could announce he had signed the current wwe champion. Which he absolutely could’ve and would’ve done, and is exactly what vince McMahon said he was afraid of according to the article YOURE reading at the end of this review… and yes Bret was “mic’d up”… secretly…. In other words he was absolutely wearing a wire… that’s what that is…