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Hello Pledge Hammers!

Thank you to everyone who submitted their predictions for Clash of Champions. The results have been calculated, and it's time to see who did well and who did smell.

You can see the full leaderboard right here. 

As you can see, we have four people at the top of the leaderboard, so congratulations to Joel, David C, Jushin Thunder Leaguer and Krethean!

For those interested, the office leaderboard is as follows:

Laurie - 29
Oli - 27
Randy - 26
Luke - 25
Pete - 22

If you have any questions about your score, please let me know on andy@wrestletalk.com or on Discord and I will help you out ASAP.

The next predictions we do will be WWE Hell in a Cell, so look out for that!

Much Love,




LUKE: Don't call it a comeback!


I'm tied with Pete. Does that mean it's my Birthday too?

JJ Gyllenhaal

I’m just happy with I beat at least one of the WrestleTalk guys & I’m beating KING CHOPPER WHOPPER.


How does the scoring work exactly?

Marco Talin

One point for every guess you get right, with a running total over every show between and including, for this season, Summerslam and Survivor Series


Speaking of comebacks, I’m now tied with Oli Davis.

Robert Rose

Thinking towards HIAC. Every WWE match, regardless of the stips, needs a "No Contest" option. I don't see the Bray/Seth match having a finish and one only needs to go back to last year to see that precedent set.