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Hello Pledge Hammers!

We're currently recording RambleClub, what would you like to hear us talk about?


Luke, Oli, Laurie x


jonathan Melhuish

Hi guys your favourite underrated movie

jonathan Melhuish

Hi again what would be your entrance music if you where a wrestler


Question for luke. The fiend is scary,but is it Peruvian ghost grandmother scary? Side note I would also love to play a killer game of hide and go seek with you guys like you did at your friends stag.

Connor Going

Favourite city in the UK (excluding London)?

Jesse Anderson

My family recently got a new puppy, so I've had fur on the brain recently. So I'm curious. Do you guys have pets? What kinds?


Recently saw Clockwork Orange for thr first time, have y'all seen it and what are your opinions on it?

Marcus A Campbell

Favorite movies that are so bad they're good


There are often things you guys wonder about the U.S., like how TV/cable work here. What’s the biggest confusion, question, or just random thing you guys don’t understand about life in the United States? (Lets leave politics out of it for obvious reasons.)

Ifan Muzzupappa

With you coming increasingly close to reaching the goal to put on a wrestling show do you have any ideas of what you're going to do.

Ryan B Badd

who would win in a game of card against humanity between you fellas? Also which would you rather have done to you , the brogue kick, WMD, Black Mass or Ortons Punt?


How would you book the feud we've ALL been waiting for: Bullet Club vs. The Elite.