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Hello $10+ Pledge Hammers!

We're about to record, so get your questions ready. But more than that, you can watch us record it live!


Join the fun!


Connor Shaw

What do u guys think will happen next in marvel Ceramic universe?


What's your favourite MCU character and why?

Jonathan V Hedman

If you can have one and only one superpower which would it be? Remember there are pros and cons to every power except one. Also remember and take into consideration that you are still you. (Human)

Jonathan V Hedman

If you could mess with a famous person from history, who would it be and what would you do?

that guy who want to support

Since we NEED to have at least one Pokemon question per episode do you look forward detective pikachu? Also do you have any movie you consider that change your life or maybe just gave you a new perspective for me there is good Will Hunting and the amaizng anime movie a silent voice just to name a few


Hey chaps. I'm sat on a rather lovely sunny holiday at the moment and so when the notification popped up of questions, I thought - what are your ideal holiday destinations..? Somewhere you really really want to go - for whatever reason. Sorry not wrestling related! Cheers, Paul E Dangerously Jarman


What’s your favorite wrestling based commercials? It could be one of the pay per view commercials or just a commercial with a wrestler in it

Laura E.

More sleep walking stories from luke please xx

that guy who want to support

Oli what will you say to Alexa if you was a guess on a moment of bliss. The other two can also answer

Christopher Mainwaring

Have any of you had any supernatural experiences (Do you believe in Ghosts)?