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Hello everyone! 

Sorry for the delay on this, blame English time.

We finally have someone in first place on their own!


If you have any issues please drop me an email at andy@wrestletalk.com, on Discord, or on Twitter @AndyDatsonWT.

Love you 


Josh Razauskas

Yup I knew this one would be a crap shoot for me. Fell a ties spot from 3rd to 4th. Hopefully zither others will get me back up.

Auntie Collins

who the heck is Mister Twinkey and how is 29 points possible?!


Is there any way to see how I did on the United we stand perdictions themselves or is it only as a whole?


LUKE: I'm now second! (in the punishment standings, that is)

Jesse Anderson

Haha! I answered this one totally blind and am still chilling in second. Now if only my blind G1 results are as lucky...


Hey! Where'd my name go? I had 8 points from Fastlane.


Good luck Luke hope there's no tie this time. I wanna see oli do a punishment lol.

Brandon Kolodychuk

Watching Impact every week has paid off haha

Marcel Durer

Why Do i only have four points now?

Brandon Kolodychuk

I am not on the list. Probably because I forgot to submit Takeover predictions. Thought it was on Saturday lol. Hope my points still exist though

Alex Baker

Oli has not had a good weekend so far... 🤦‍♂️