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Hello Pledge Hammers!

With WWE Fastlane coming this Sunday, it's time for you to drop in your predictions for the show!

The form to fill out is right here.


  • Please use the exact same name you have for Season One of predictions or your score will not count
  • Use a numerical number in the bonus question, not a word. Or a sentence. Or an emoji.
  • Deadline is 3PM Sunday 10th, March GMT

I want to wish you all good luck, we're all counting on you.


Luke x



With the sign pointing, are we talking live points? Or do video packages count?


I think, if three people point at the WM sign at the same time it shouldn't be counted as three times...

Chris Smith

Can you give us the option to predict a no contest or double count out?

Auntie Collins

I honestly hope I used the same name of "collins the jobber" because yikes I forgot last time

Ryan B Badd

I think it should be how many people cause I can see Owens and Bryan or becky and charlotte getting into a point war and point at it 40 times each


when asking about sign pointing is it per person? for example if Sasha and bailey point together is it 2 points or 1? and if becky points at it twice is it two points on 1?


LUKE: If Bayley and Banks both pointed, that would be 2. If Sasha points at the sign 3 times in a match, that would be 3.


LUKE: The form has a link to the website where you can find the name you used previously :)


I went with Charlotte to win and Owens to win (thinking DQ), and I'm really nervous now cos I think the endings to those 2 matches (and the McMiz/Usos match) have the potential to be very screwy to set up the Mania angles (cos Becky/Charlotte/Ronda needs more)

Jonathan V Hedman

Can we also get next time a blind pick of Face or heel so when they add another match to the preshow we’re covered or for real easy points a second bonus question, will they add another match. :)


I picked a heel landslide, except for Bayley and Banks.


I'm with Oli on the Mandy upset. I don't want it to happen, but Vince clearly doesn't think much of Asuka considering she's never on TV even though she's champ. And we all know how much Mandy is Vince's type, so I think he wants to push her to the top of the women's division.


Randy could you please take our submission I completely forgot about it on Thursday and I just sent it