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Hello Pledge Hammers!

It's time for another poll - and this time it's a Fantasy Booking Warfare poll! We asked our $25+ Pledge Hammers for their suggestions, and here they are! 

There's a lot of WrestleMania feuds, some main roster debuts, the inevitable "invasion" story, and even a couple of revisionist bookings. 

Read through the suggestions below and make your choice!

NOTE: Turns out we can only have a maximum of 20 poll topics, so I've had to remove some of the more... out there suggestions like Dan's NXTUK debut and Vacant's first successful title defence.


Luke x


Roy Tripp

Want to see you guys fantasy book a load of these. Some great sudjestions... 👍

Ewan Macdonald

Also definitely not going to steal any of these for use in the Discord fantasy booking warfare contest...

Marcel Durer

I love the idea of a wrestling wedding!


Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has a thing for the DREAM.....why not give the people what they want?


I'm torn between HHH userps Vince and AEW Invades WWE.... So many good options Lets go with the HHH story good luck fellas

Erica Duran

I was torn between re-booking Finn Balor as Universal Champion and AEW Invading WWE.

Jesse Anderson

I love the wrestling wedding idea! The warfare topics are always so deep and serious. One that's silly and fun would be quite a treat.


Another invasion type booking 😔


The Triple H taking over the company one is winning? I get that people want that to actually happen in reality, but it isn't a kayfabe wrestling storyline being booked. More of an actual, real life transition of corporate power. Not quite the same as an NXT guy's main roster call up, or the build to a Wrestlemania match.


Well obviously the McMahon family will continue to own the company in reality, but on television they can say whatever they like. Pretty sure Vince isn't signing over a billion dollar company to make a storyline seem more realistic.

Matt Noble

I got 3rd place. I’ll take that