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Hello you beautiful $10+ Pledge Hammers!

I'll be honest, this episode is very late. So late I'm loading it at 2am on a Saturday. That's because I've just got back from a Rev Pro after party hosted by Will Opsreay and have had a few drinks. What was I talking about?

Anyway, here's the top matches of October 2018 according to Oli and myself, although there is some argument to be had there.

If you don't want it spoiled, look away. If you want to know the matches they are:

5. Ilya Druganov vs. Bobby Gunns (wXw World Tag League 2018)

4. Lucha Brothers vs. Ring Kampf (wXw World Tag League 2018)

3. Buddy Murphy vs. Cedric Alexander (WWE Super Show Down)

2. Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair (WWE Evolution)

1. Will Opsreay vs. WALTER (OTT 4th Anniversary Show)



Is this one of the first months with no NJPW?

Phil Stopford

Not one, but TWO WWE matches? Was October THAT bad a month?

DANiel 'The Mayor of Painsville' Schachtmeier

Currently listening to it, but Christian Michael jakobi wasnt really the manager of Ilja, thats why Oli couldnt find it. That was only done for Hello Wembley, love you guys too. Hope to see you in March at 16 Karat. Awesome RambleClub finally i got my WXW stuff in :D

Brian Fogarty

Had the great pleasure of being in the crowd for the OTT show. The main event was breathtaking at times. Great to see it getting props here. If you haven't seen them the tag team Angel cruisers do really funny promo packages that are largely a parody on Austin Powers.