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Hello all you beautiful people!

We've had a big influx of new Pledge Hammers this week, and we want to welcome you all to this most excellent place! We hope you stick around and aren't just bumping our numbers up to get those NXT reviews ;)

Please come over to our Community and join the conversation. Or if you can manage to keep up with the chat head on over to our Discord channel.

If you're a $5+ Pledge Hammer, the Summerslam 2000 review will drop later today. I should be editing it rather than typing this. Sorry about that.

Much love! 

Luke x


Rob Pontin

Just say what you think aswell we don't judge even if your wrong lol


Summershlammmmm 2000!

Danny Richardson

I've only been to one PPV, and it was Summerslam 2000. I was 12, and was 20 feet away from the Shane McMahon Landing Zone. I can't wait for the review!

Taisha Demay

Truthfully the only Summer slam I actually liked was 2000