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Hello Pledge Hammers!

A quick question to everyone here: how many of you either subscribe to or have bought the WrestleTalk Magazine? If so, what do you think of it?

And if you're not a buyer, would you be interested in a possible discount code for the magazine as a reward for being a Pledge Hammer? Would that encourage you to buy/subscribe?

Have a fine Wednesday!

Luke x


Rob Pontin

I am yes I love it I'm subbed before it was started i missed a good old fashioned wrestling magazine the one thing I would like to see is maybe a section on the pledge hammers maybe interview one a month or a small group of us (could be a podcast link aswell) that would be good.

Matt Noble

Generally speaking, i'm not a big reader, so maybe take this with a pinch of salt, but i like the video format more, thats why i kind of came to you guys. So the magazine just isn't an object of interest for me. But i hope other enjoy.


I have a 6 issue subscription and thoroughly enjoy reading it. As someone who grew up reading Powerslam it reminds me of my childhood.

Phil Stopford

Ooooh that's cheeky. I'm northern, I can never say no to a discount! I was an avid (editor pun), reader of Power Slam for about 10 years, and I actually couldn't honestly say why I haven't bought the WrestleTalk Magazine.


I was holding off because I wasn't sure you shipped to the USA

DANiel 'The Mayor of Painsville' Schachtmeier

I have bought all the digital versions until now. It's a good magazine. But the current issue I haven bought. One reason it's I am currently trying the think a little bit more about my bank account again (but the magazine would be worth it) the other I struggle with magazine as a whole. So I haven't made the decision to buy it just now. It's for every big wrestling fan and maybe this weekend I'll finally buy it. I will report to you what I think of the current issue then. Edit: and im saving for something big so stay tuned.

Chris Smith

I bought digital versions of issues 2, 3 an 4 - and the Almanac. They're good publications but I guess it just depends on my interest in WWE at the time. Those 3 issues I mentioned were published during Royal Rumble - WrestleMania season. You guys should still be proud of your work though.


I do enjoy reading it and I will subscribe again when my subscription ends! Great work!

Deano Smith

I have a subscription already and love the magazine (and almanac, but I've always been a sucker for a wrestling almanac). I think the price is very reasonable but the shipping cost is what is making me think of switching to digital, but I love physical magazines too much.

Kendell Paige

A discount code would be great I think if I got the magazine at a discounted price first then I can see the product and then make a better decision on if I want to subscribe or not (even tho I kno I will I like what u guys are doing so I’ll support in anyway possible)