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Hello Hardcore Pledge Hammers!

You voted for it, and we reviewed it - the first WWECW reunion show One Night Stand 2005. Watch as the Anti-ECW CRUSADERS attempt to stop Chris Jericho vs. Lance Storm, Sabu vs. Rhino, Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman vs. The Dudleyz and OLI'S NEW FAVOURITE MATCH OF ALL-TIME Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome.

Plus we go into detail on our thoughts on the JBL/Blue Meanie situation...


Scott Gigney

This is going to take up a lot of a very slow work day. Huzzah!

Phil Stopford

Awesome/Tanaka is a cracking match! Short but really good.

Jeremy Hyrkas

looking forward to listening to this at work today! quick note, i'm gonna be that person because it happened in the first three minutes: this is a friendly note to oli, please don't use the term sh*male, it's pretty antiquated and viewed as derogatory. i'm sure you meant nothing by it, but just thought you should know :)

Chris Merryman

Luke, it is 100% E-C-Dub not E-C-W that they are chanting

Derek Ostrander

I never was a Joey Styles fan, he annoyed the shit out of me. That "Oh My God!" thing is like poison to my ears.

Derek Ostrander

You guys, I seriously got all teary eyed thinking about how absolutely nuts the late 90's were. I was 15-20 years old during that time, I grew up in NY, Times Square was still gross, it was wild, I had so much fun. These fools who say the 90's sucked are just jealous they missed out on them.


LUKE: Please be that guy. It needs to be said. I'll be honest I didn't think anything of it due to the context of Oli's story (school kid idiots), however it does need to be pointed out.


LUKE: I've always said it the other way. Have I been doing it wrong for 20 years?


Luke Olli is right. Wwe and wcw raiding the ecw talent was definitely NOT “exactly the same thing” as you claim. Wcw simply stole talent while ecw wouldn’t have kept the doors open past 97 wo vinces check book. It’s apples and oranges. VERY far from “the same thing” that’s a joke opinion.