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Hello Pledge Hammers!

Oli and I intended to record the winning Fantasy Booking Warfare episode before I left for my holiday. Sadly time has gotten away for us and other factors have meant we won't be able to do it - so Fantasy Booking Warfare won't be back until June. We'll try and record it then, but we're going to be busy recording Judgement Day 2000 that week! I'll also be trying to catch up on all the wrestling that I've missed...

Apologies everyone! We'll try and do it better next time!


Luke x


Roy Tripp

Just do it better...


We forgive you Luke! As long as you bring every pledge hammer a holiday present back lol.

Jared Conatser

More like a heeliday... lol

Cassie Chell

Hope you have a great time :)

Chris Merryman

Glad you guys aren't killing yourself to get it out. That's how channels burnout. Hope you have a second to relax and breath. Cheers!

Thomas Genders

Enjoy your holiday big dog


I thought he was tied up by the guy posing to be him? He isn’t on vacation!!!! Guys!! We need to do something #save Luke

Phil Stopford

Luke is doing a fine job, it's like he's a whole new person. Much prefer him this way.

travis webb

Wait, Luke, what holiday? I keep seeing you on the show with your hat? What is going on???

Thomas Genders

Wrestletalk isn’t the same without you Luke! #saveLuke

Phil Stopford

Get it right Thomas. It's WRESTLELUKE. And Luke is here and he's fine. What is everyone getting so worked up about? #confused #iamlukeowen